Thailand is a wonderful land.There are no natural disasters,like hurricane, volcanic eruption,tornado,earthquake,or landslide in our country.Consequently,my students do not have their pior knowledge about them.Actually,they are so lucky.
I have the interesting video clip downloaded from www.youtube.com.It is about a tornadoe.Why do I choose it? This is because there is a content of a tornadoe in my students'textbooks.I believe that learning by watching the real situation can help them imagine the unseen disaster.
A tornadoe is a violently rotating column of air extending from a thunderstorm to the ground.Tornadoes are rated according to the damage they can do on a scale.The most violent tornadoes are capable of vast destruction with winds around 200 mph.The colors of tornadoes vary depending on sizes, directions of sunlight and types of debris they are picking up.They are dreadly dangerous to be on their ways since they can destroy everything into the air such as large buildings,huge trees and large vehicles.
CLICK HERE: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=43VoMesUd2Q&feature=related
1. http://cfc.whtm.com/blogs/getcat.cfm?catid=82
2. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=43VoMesUd2Q&feature=related
37 ความคิดเห็น:
Thailand is a wonderful land because not affected much serious nature.But, Thailand is now experiencing economic problems. Political hard Resulting in a disturbance.
Tomorrow is the anniversary day of me. I want to congratulate or cheers you help me.
Bye *---*
I think it is the wonder and beautiful but conversely it still do harm immense as I have seen in video clip.
Thus , We have let's to is proud that stay Thailand.
I'm lucky really .............*^*
Hi~ A.Pew
I totally agree~!!! My mother always told me that too. Thailand is the most beautiful, safety and smiling land for us.
I think I've heard about hurricane that name's something ...rina~ I'm not sure. but it's make handred to handred people died in that time.
Rest in peace.
And so...
Proud to be thai~~!!!
Proud to be D.M.J's~~!!!
Proud to be your student~~!!! 555+
Oh~ I forgot to talk about the clip~ I always wonder why just the wind is making so much damage? Maybe it's a god's punishment.555+ silly me ;)
HI Teacher Pew
May I use the word from Boom and that is OMG!!!!
It's very horrible to seen it because when they happen and when they gone they left the big disaster for the country and many people lost someone they love.
But in my opinion I think it's very beautiful when they come around the sky and then they dropping on the ground and make disaster. I think It's beautiful so much...
How about you ?
It wonderful but Is scary similar.
Thailand is a good land.Now Thailand is not good because people disunion.OMG,I think I am anxious for Thailand.
This clip is awful, I think I
fortuitous because I am Thai.
Thailand is a wonderful land.
Bye Bye
hi @_@
Thailand, we are experiencing bad economic slump and the problems people have no unity Thailand clash
big storms and look scary
hi ^_^
A' Pew
Good dream tonight
students is Class m.6/4 Nu_llsJ Change is ♠♥Nu_PaE♥♠
Good night.
i feel afraid.And it was wonderful.
because it is destroyed.
Hi A' Pew
Hoo....I do not think there will be dangerous happens before this.affected much damaged.It makes me feel.Our world a dangerous condition caused the Ehe obviously.
Hello A'Pew
However, we should not destroy our environment.It's time for us to help recover back to original state again.so come back to beautiful the world again.
....**** thank you.......
Am deer M.6/5
Dear Pie,
You got a word "Yep". I like the way you like it. Good.Try to find another words from the clips and use them.You will know that you learn a lot.
What is you anniversary day? Is it your birth day?Anyway, congratulations!
Teacher Pew
Dear Motojojoe,
You are my big fan.You change the picture.Cute! Lovely! You are my good student.
Teacher Pew
Dear Am,
I really love your English. I am very proud of you.My cousin living in Australia told me that your English is very good.Keep on writing every day.Never stop doing that even a day.
Teacher Pew
Dear Jade,
You know,your English is better and better.My cousin always talks to me that she loves your ideas and your English writing skill.I am very proud of you.
Teacher Pew
Dear Meow,
I am glad you like it.Good!
Teacher Pew
Dear Sine,
Your English is good.Write it every day.You can improve it because your English and ideas are very perfect.I know that you keen on English.Fight! No one can stop you.It is just only you who stop it!
Teacher Pew
Dear Nu_llsj,
Glad you are here.It is good to change your name also because it is very difficult to type.
Teacher Pew
Dear Taew,
My students may wonder who you are.Why don't you introduce yourself to us? My students and I are eager to get you comments and learn more about you.
Teacher Pew
Dear Pooh,
You have a lot of ideas about tornados.It is a good idea to save the earth and our environment.Do it and the other people will do so.
Teacher Pew
Hi Teacher Pew
I think that okay.
Not take the country as serious.
+ V +
Bye bye
Dear Pichamon,
I think so.
Teacher Pew
Hi~ A'Pew.
I'll back to comment you tomorrow.
I promise.
I'm so sorry, but my eyes... TTOTT
Maybe, I'm too tied. That why I'm so sleepy like this.
See ya'~~~ Bye. Love U so...
Hello night,Teacher Pew
My name is Kanjana Phokhieo m.6/5 No.21
Tornado it very fear. I think it damage with everybody and it also makes it dangerous to life.
Hello,Teacher Pew
My name is Rachadaporn praphochai m.6/5 No.23
oh!! it very frightening. Damage that people do not break down all things animal from this disaster.
Hello,Teacher Pew
My name is เสรี m.6/5 No.1
When I see this video.Makes me think that. If this is Thailand. What happens. Much damage would be fierce.
Hello A'Pew
My name is Tumawadee Sutanate M.6/5 No.29
The tornado caused rarely seen in Thailand. However, the tornado caused by human actions. The suffering of life. Everyone should care environment.
Bye ^-^
oh my God... T.pew
Stoms VeryScary
Good no in Thailand
Hello teacher Pew..^O^
I believe that Thailand is a wonderful land because is a beautiful country. In my feelings I fear Tornado and do not want it to happen to wonderful land.
Thank you for good clip...^^
From Tangkwar M.6/5 No.30 ...
No No , we not lucky so much !
We have a tsunami ! 555+
Hi teach
no.22 m.6/5
It's very frightening. Damaged items are worth, it would hit pretty much.
Hello,Teacher Pew
My name is saparat thonghuad m.6/5 No.27
I think it is very frightening. This catastrophic damage to many living things.
Tornado is horrible.
Thailand is lucky because
don’t to find tornado.
It's scary.
I think this strom make damaged.