I am going to give a speech to M1 students on Monday.The topic I decide to present to them is THE DEFINITIONS OF LOVE.I have to research thoroughly because M1 students are young and may need pictures to make some abstract information clear.I am absolutely certain that fifty minute presentation in the afternoon without visual material can bore them.Thus I will let the small children listen to songs downloaded from www.youtube.com shown below because I believe that everybody likes songs.Then,I will connect them to the topic and to their daily lives.I think this will work and help them understand what I am going to convey the messages to them.There are five definitions of love that I try to express to them even though there are more definitions than those.They consist of the love of themselves,environment,the king and the country.M6 students listened to the first song last month and gave me the useful comments.They are Thai songs.This is because it is not my English class,but it is the M1 level meeting.However,I still need my M6 students'opinions about the songs.Tell me what you think about them and which song you like the most.
1. Konlafun sung by Karabao Band
2. Chewitsamphan sung by Karabao Band
Tonmaikhongphor sung by Bird
Rak Ther Prathet Thai sung by Group of pop singers
14 ความคิดเห็น:
Hello! again .. A'Pew
I like Konlafun sung by Karabao Band because it corresponds my life now. it has amusing melody and encourage. ^^"
I think ...??
The music is other sweet-sounding also but it doesn't correspond my life now.
Bye ~~
sa wat dee Prathet Thai & T-Pew
After,I listen Rak Ther Prathet Thai sung by Group of pop singers.
I felt,Prathet Thai to cry and very sad,bacause Thai split up or disunited unity.
Hi~ A.Pew
"Tonmaikhongphor" is the song I like the most because P'Bird's viose is so amazing!! and the meaning of the song is really touching!!
I can't believe that he going to be 52! he's still look like 40 to me *-* what a baby face man he is?! >[]< don't you think?
I'm sure that eveyone like this song as much as I ^^
Hello Teacher Pew
I think I like Rak Ther Prathet Thai sung by Group of pop singers because it's talk about the Thai people who never let anyone destroyed their country and it's make me love Thailand much better.
And I want to know what song do you like most ?
Bye Teacher PEW
Dear Motojojoe,
Thank you for your comment.M1 and the teachers who teach them like the clips.
Teacher Pew
Dear Pie,
I like this song because I am to be a Thai.Unity is important.
Teacher Pew
Dear Am,
You are like other people who love Bird.Can you sing his song?Show me tomorrow.
Teacher Pew
Dear Jade,
So do I.I love this song and I do not want anyone betray our country.
Teacher Pew
I like Konlafun sung by Karabao Band because it make me have willpower to fight everything in my life for my dream.
The words of a song have the good meaning.It helps encourage me to fight to go on.
Hello A'Pew..
I like konlafun song by karabao because has good content gives mind power becomingly with mylife this,Emasculate at numerous problem either examination studying at sometimes causes despairing feel.
And content music video gives knowledge also.
I listen, zippy just like your words.
i do not understand the meaning of true love but i love to see is for people who love a good time .
i love you the way you are. you?
Hi A.Pew~ ^^
I like Konlafun sung by Karabao Band & Tonmaikhongphor sung by Bird
The music is other sweet-sounding and meanning is very well.
Bye bye~
*+patty 6/1+*
Hello!Teacher Pew....
My name is Tumawadee Sotanate M.6/5 No.29
After,I listen Rak Ther Prathet Thai sung by Group of pop singers.
Music that is melodic content, good when listening very sad. Important cause and I love Thailand more.
Thank you A'pew
The Definitions of Love ....
it me . .i feel
this love is just word. .