My dear students may wonder about this topic.I am not kidding you.This topic is about an elephant that can paint a picture.Actually,many elephants in the north of Thailand have been trained to do a lot of incredible activities since they were young,and then they show their abilities to tourists.Everybody is trained to draw at school,but I never know that elephants can be taught to paint.Therefore,they do not need to work hard in the forests but painting like artists.Fabulous! I used to show this kind of pictures to my American friends and their students when I visited Mansfield Middle School in America.They said what I showed to them was amazing.I know that Thai elephants have got the talents of painting,playing football,dancing, swimming and posting for snaping pictures of them and tourists.who know they can do like those.I think it is better if they are brought back to the north and let them do the activities like the smart one in the clip.This is because I am not happy to see a lot of elephants walking around Bangkok and asking for food from pedestrians at night.Painting is the nice choice because they have shelters,food,hobbies,love and wage(vegetables or fruits).Moreover,their paintings can be sold to the tourists as the souvenirs of the Thailand.I say that they become the stars of foreigners visiting our country and they will not forget the large animals with tiny brushes. What do you think about this video clip? Tell me.
CLICK HERE:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=He7Ge7Sogrk
Picture Resource:http://daboysof905.blogspot.com/2007/09/elephant-in-room-is-painting-abstract.html
Video clip Resource:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=He7Ge7Sogrk
45 ความคิดเห็น:
็Hello(again555+) Teacher Pew
At first I absolutely agree about the elephants that walk around the Bangkok and another place on the big city road and some of it was hit by a car or hurt by their mahout.I'm so sadly about it I want some of the government network help them.T-T
Left the sadly thing back,let's talk about the elephants on the north of Thailand that they can painting the picture and on the clip that you gave it to me,I think it's so good then me because they an elephant and it's Sooo Cool !!
Thank you for give the topic about the elephant because in Thailand They not pay attention to the Thai elephant and some of mahout unsatisfied like,"Why people in Thailand don't pay attention to elephant but give it to the baby panda bear of the China"
SO please pay attention to them because it's the symbol of Thailand...
BYe Bye Teacher PEW....Have a nice dream KUB.....
It's wonderful.
It draw better than me.
I thing when it see the picture it same it look into the mirror.555+ Because the picture like the elephant.Today,I feel I comment not good.I'm tired because today I compete the Mathematics.
Have a sweet dream.
See you tomorrow.
Bye Bye.
Wow.. I couldn't say anything.
It's beautiful. Perfect!!
It draw better than me.TTOTT
And the flower.. It make me silent a little while.
So jealous...
I think it have a gift, like human is artist but elephants is elephantist. hahaha+ (what is that mean??? Is it have a meaning?? haha.. I'm so embarrass. -////-)
Byeee~ See you tomorrow
Hi~ A.Pew
I totally agree with Jade(555) it just yesterday I saw the elephant walk along the street. What a poor elephant it is.
Jade... go to be one of government and clean this mess up will ya? eieiei ^^
elephant is the most important animal in Thailand. So we have to save them as we can, right?
But anyway~ those elephants draw really very good! wow~~ they're so amazing! those in the picture are really talented!! even I think I'm good in drawing, but I have to commit that they are totally awesome~~~ ♥
That elephant in clip is so cute, but why somebody commented so many mean thing in youtube. They're so totally "NOT" cool. =_="
P.S. Me and my friends are very sorry that we've missed your class. We really want to join, but we were very bussy there.
I'm come back to your blog and I say "Sorry...I don't visit to your blog"
I saw this video clip on vacation.
its pretty cool seeing a elephant paint a elephant holding a flower. I love animals but I find elepans the best because they live in herds and they always help each other because they are family. its the same as humans. but seeing a elephant paint, WOW, that is the only thing that I can say for this.
Wow !!!! 555+
I love you...A'Pew and thank you for "The Painting Elephant"
bye bye ^^'
Hello Teacher Pew
A elephant paint better me
Unbelievable .........
I study art since 3 years. I draw and paint so bad .
It is surprised,the elephant draw a picture.
I think,the elephant draw a picture better than me,because I dislike draw a picture,but I like painting.
Bye ---see you
The last time a dog has that can play the skateboard this time elephants that is intelligent very much and can paint to is like us.
Therefore , we don't to give up it.
Fighting Fighting ( :p
Dear Jade,
Perfect! I love your ideas.You are a kind boy.I think if you have an opportunity,you will help them.
Teacher Pew
Dear High,
That is OK.Do not worry about anything.Go to bed whenever you want to sleep.
Teacher Pew
Dear Boom,
I think you have something in you mind.You miss Am,don't you? She is a lovely girl and I think ones cannot bear loving her.
Teacher Pew
Dear Am,
Everybody has rights to have different ideas because we have individual differences.Thus,it does not mean that we will need to have the same opinion.We need to be broaded mind persons.OK?
Teacher Pew
Dear Minkiie,
I am glad to know that you like the clip.And your English is better.
Teacher Pew
Dear Pie,
I think so.
Teacher Pew
Dear Motojojoe,
Gooddddddddddddddddddd and Gooddddddddddddddddddd
Teacher Pew
Hi teacher Pew
...... elephants lovely......
when I sew it.Am feel spectacula It can draw picture. It's a lovely animal.
.......It great!!!.......
see you...#_#....*_*
from deer M.6/5 No.25
This picture is very very good, It's valuables of world.
I love it.
Umm.... I think the elephent look like Am because Am is very lovely and the best drawing picture.
I want not you tell AM, If she knoe I die HAHA.
Love YOU
Deplorable ..
I do not see this video clip .. but I've seen enough before it came?.
And of course the Thai elephants can jump more than the Panda.
In fact, I fear many elephants, but I somewhat of a panda.
But the sight most talented Thai elephants ..
Hi~ A.Pew
Okay~ ^^
But what I mean accully is they're used the mean word and that's very rude like f*** or sh** some kind of that~
So... Bye~~~♥
Hello Teacher Pew >3<
I'm View m.6/1 ^^
This clip is make me sad T^T , because it's paints better than me!! >_< .But I pardon it because it lovely ~~~.
It beautiful painting.
Elephant is pretty and have ability.
Hi Teacher
They are divine describe.It's beautiful.
Oh teacher I'm hungry.
Bye Bye Teacher
Thank you for every topic from you.Student 6/1 ,We are love you.
Hello Teacher PeW ^^
The elephant is very good.
he paints better than me .
I thought Thai elephants have a talent for painting and the more.
This is really original elephant painting.
I Love Teacher Pew But,
I not have home Internet connection.555+
Good bye :')
hello teacher
animal there is the ability.
It's intelliget and lovely.
Previously,I have evered to see the elephant is walking to area the road in Bangkok,it pitiful is a lot of,I fear that,it was will have the car accident.
but...they have will the ability to will perform by walking begs for the food areas the public road.
it is interesting and get money.
new ^^
Hello A'Pew
The elephant is animal mark country.Thai people then give precedence the elelphant,Because it be expert and be healthy.Like this video clip elephant show be expert by pain.
It's wonderful.
I never thing elephant will paint be better me in addition picture be able to sell.
Hello(again555+) Teacher Pew
It's wonderful.
The last time a dog has that can play the skateboard this time elephants that is intelligent very much and can paint to is like us.
Bye .
It's wonderful.
Hi~ A.Pew
Unbelievable .........
It draw better than me.
I thing when it see the picture it same it look into the mirror.
The elephant is very good.
It very lovely and it clever.
I like. It draw better than me.
I want draw good same it. 55+
Hi Teacher
My name is CHI CHI
I will talk about the elephants they can paint the picture but it better then me
555+ 666+
I love the Thai elephant because it so big ang gentle.(I think)
>< Hello
It's wonderful.!!!
It's drowing!!!!!
This picture is pretty.
I like to drowing.U.I'm elephant.
I think I same itHAHA
But so sad.Nowaday,The people not love it.I always saw the elephant walk around the Bangkok.
I want some person give to help it.
bye T-^
I the impressive ability "The Painting Elephant" in Thailand. And I want to be Elephant
proud to be born in Thai
Hello.... Teacher Peww
I am thotsaporn M.6/1
It unconvincing.the elephant draw a picture
I believe it draw itself.
But I do not believe it will draw flowers. Because I like drawing flowers on it. It pretty good. It draw better than me
Thank you for give the topic
Hello teacherpew
from Deknatadee 6/1
The elephant is animal smart it is
spacial ability elephant is animal
national Thailand I thing elephant practice everytime able have popular
hello A'Pew :)
Elaphants at present have a lot of talent, playing music, painting, playing football. I've seen all of art work of elephants, and I really amazing of them, they're very good. art works of them are beautiful. Even we, human would be shameful!.
Oh..My God.
Is Amazing in Thailand.
The Painting Elephant.
Hello teacher Pew.
The elephants is animal which
have many ability and it is the sign of Thailand. They can work, show, paint, etc. I don’t want to tell that they can paint the picture more beautiful than I paint but I think nowadays the panda is very popular till the elephant was painted the body
same panda. When I saw in the
news last month ago, it make
me feel bad.
What do you feel about it ?
Bye bye...
The elephant Thailand is excellently,because they drawing and painting.They are lovely,but they can do such,I think will to born from training cruel? But I will may think over too.How Thai elephant is first in the world.
Good Bye
Hi T'pew
I'm Kwannarin M.6/6
Unbelievable that Thailand's elephants do.
Hi teacher Pew ^.^
I'm Mookmastar M.6/6 No.13
I feel in this picture
because Thai elephant is excellent and good capability.
Hi T'pew
OHO Thai Elephant very good.
and Cute.
Hello,Teacher Pew
My name is Rachadaporn praphochai m.6/5 No.23
When I see this video.Elephant very cute. It works beautifully in a pattern of elephants. I think it would do much.
Hi T.pew hello
I have Veryhappy I've seen elephant paint hardly believe possible.
Veryvery Amazing
ok Bye
Hi! Teacher Pew
My name is Tumawadee Sutanate M. 6/5 No.29
Best all! I draw several years learning to draw, but not as beautiful elephants. But today see migratory elephants walking around Bangkok. Why not use the ability of elephants to benefit.
hi Teacher
nattaporn no.22 m.6/5
Wow both smart growth and the elephant is very good. The drawing very well. Elephant trainer still coaching well.
Wow! pretty nice I want to hook some nice party. But I pity it had to cry to see elephants dance it to be very sympathetic. I do not want to see it in this condition would see it in the jungle over.