The term Freegan is the combination of two words - Free and Vegan.Vegans are ones who do not eat any animal products at all,but some freegans are called meagans because they consume meat and other animal products that would have gone to waste.
There are many freegans in America and England.These foragers are neither homeless nor destitute.They just reject the culture of wasteful consumption.They subsist on what people throw away.They do not like the way people throw a lot of food in good condition.According to freegan standards,the food thrown away by the stores are either nearing the end of their sell date or are bruised or damaged but they are still good to eat.Thus, they find food in the garbage of restaurants,grocery stores,and supermarkets.
Some freegans get free food by pulling it out of the trash.The others waits for a burly crew of a supermarket to toss bulging black bags filled with the day's trash at night.They gingerly open and dissect the contents inside the bags,then they take what they can eat or what they can use homes.They have the ideas that they save their environment and support their community.
What do you think about freegans?
CLICK HERE:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L_i7DUbFbkk
1. http://www.treehugger.com/food-waste-freeganism.jpg
2. http://www.delish.com/recipes/cooking-recipes/freegan-salvage-food-trash-0309
3. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Freeganism
4. http://frugalliving.about.com/od/bargainshopping/p/Freegan.htm
5. www.youtube.com/watch?v=L_i7DUbFbkk
36 ความคิดเห็น:
I have no an opinion about "Freegans".
sorry A'pew
I'm not understand.
But A'pew...
when , I have seen the video.I feel that it sees dirty at them must lead those food comes to consume.
P.S. ==> i understand such.
Dear Motojojoe,
You are right.They are people who take food from the trash home.They don't buy food.The vocabularies may be difficult so you can learn from them.
Teacher Pew
Hi Teacher Pew
Food nowadays is expensive.
And get hard.
Do not use a profusion
We should be saving.
Bye bye
> O <
Dear Pichamon,
Good job! You hit the point.Do you want to be a freegan?
Teacher Pew
Ten O'Clock
what is a Freegans.
Now weather season change.
take care yourself.
Aloha Bye.
Dear Black Berry,
This topic is not difficult but I think vocabularies are your obstacles.
Teacher Pew
HI there...Teacher Pew
When I finished watch this clip I think"This is gonna be joke".But when I saw it again and then I realize that isn't a joke.How can the people who can even buy the things from supermarket but they chose to have a meal from the trash.If I were them I'm gonna throw up and die soon.
But I have to say to you that I'm not insult them because some reasons like they don't have any money to buy the thing or they boycott.But any way I still don't understand what is the Freegans. Could you tell me that in clearly.
Thank you.
And that is all I thought.
Dear Jade,
Freegans are people who like to find food from a trash.They are not poor but they do not like supermarkets throw their food away.If you learn more about them, you will find that there are a lot of occupations joining freegans lifestyles even students.
In Thailand,supermarkets do not throw the food away.They cook and sell them cheap.Understand?
Good to ask me like this.I am happy to answer.This topic is challenging.
Teacher Pew.
Thank you so much for you clearly answer kub
It's all about cultural differences. Thailand is rich of natural resources, especially fertile soil and perfect seasons that produce wondeful fruits, vegetable and crops. You guys've never experienced starvation like people from some countries. They suffer and starve in the winter that everything seems to die. There are no green, no lives and of course no food. If there are some, they will be extremely expensive. That's why we can see Americans keep their left over from dinner (even a little bit left) for next day. This kind of things shapes their lives from generation to generation. In my perspective, this is the way most western people are. They still do it even if they are rich. Money is not the vital factor, but obviously their attitudes.
I sometimes think that we are too spoiled that we don't appreciate what we possess. More or less, we really are. Do you think?
when I see watch this video. I don't understand the meaning of it.......**Freegans ***
...stupefaction .....
M.6/5 (DEER)
Could you tell me that in clearly?
However,I think the New York be imposible about this.because I think a dream that there will only millionaire.
Thank you so much....I have to look in another corner of life.
M.6/5 DEER
take care............
Dear Laddawan,
Thanks for your comments.It is very useful for my students.you understand it because you travel a lot.My students don't,though.
Teacher Pew
Dear Pooh,
There are the poor in every country.There are a lot of freegans in NY too.Coins have two sides.Life is the same.
Teacher Pew
Hi~ A.Pew
Ah~~~~ That's a interesting one. Wah~ how could they?! why they don't just paper to some manager and just ask them not to throw they food? And just keep it in somewhere that not in trash~!
WOO~~~ they are so freestyle!!
But in the end. They look pretty happy for this~ So I'll not judging them. They have their opinion and so do I.
In somehow of my little mind, I think they're right. They see the important point that food is a big deal!!!
Oh~ And I always love to read Ladawan's comment ♥_♥
Dear Am,
Awesome! Your ideas are wonderful.Anyway,everybody has his own opinions.There are different ways to look at the purposes between the supermarkets and the freegans.Can you find them?
Teacher Pew
Now I get it.
Thank you
Can't believe that you spelled my name like that !?!? choose one : Ladawan or Laddy, but not Laddawan.
By the way, I couldn't agree with you more by that point. However, your students can experience the world without travelling like me from your teaching material. This blog is so fantastic. It provides the audience with updated information and general knowledge that not only improve their reading skill (and writing for someone who is brave and dares to take this golden opportunity), but also broaden their minds. Your teaching style makes the word "Teaching" beyond its definition. If your students know the meaning behind this online activity as well as participate in it by reading your articles and posting their opinions on this blog (without the FEAR that they may be wrong because there is no right or wrong to share ideas), they will find themselves are more confident in both using English and present their point of view eventually.
Hi Am,
Thanks for ur kind word. I like to read ur posts as well. With the great effort, you will reach ur potential finally. Keep going! The result is more sweet than you think, I promise.
I thought they were more pathetic.
And sympathetic.
In an age where the economy worse.
i sympathize to make.
Becausei do not like seeing people who do not see the value of the goods.
HeHe Thank you very much Ka~ ^^
Hello night,Teacher Pew
My name is Kanjana Phokhieo m.6/5 No.21
What is the Freegans. I have not understood the meaning. same is not like eating vegetables or not. Tell me,please
good nice..
Hi~~~ 55+ Do you miss me?? I miss you soooo~
Well.. I think it interesting. It's look sound familiar... --*
May be if I go to the foreign country I will do some thing like this.
It's not wrong ,right? 5555+
But in the other hand, It's save the invironment and specialty my money too. 555
Bye~ love U.
Hello,Teacher Pew
My name is Rachadaporn praphochai m.6/5 No.23
I think the food today. The highest value. People eat more popular. And do not think that. There are many people never have this review of them.
Hello,Teacher Pew
My name is เสรี m.6/5 No.1
When I see this video.
Whether current workers do. It will not eat vegetables. It think it is not useful, but if we eat healthy body. Sean is not a disease any.
I think that it is not what many dirty.
Plus, the economy is also sufficient.
I don't like vegetable ..
very much I can't eat its.
I thing .. they do right , but I not like a garbage
It's dirty ! 55+
I'm Fon. M.6/5 No.13
The Vegetableis advantage to people.Now I try to eat vegetable.
cause,The my intestine is not good.
Hello,Teacher Pew
My name is saparat thonghuad m.6/5 No.27
Eating vegetables is reasonable for people who want to not eat. Would be to force him not to. We must learn to let them gradually.
Incredible and to be surprised.
I know them.I think They are good.
Because They help the world. Nowaday,A litter is full and some parts of a litter able use.
They are admirable.
bye Bye.