Tacoma Narrows Bridge is a suspension bridges in the United States of America.It opened to traffic on July 1,1940.Its length was 5939 feet.It was very active in the wind so it uncontrollably moved like traveling on a giant roller coaster.Thus,it earned the nick name “Galloping Gertie”.Sadly,it collapsed on November 7,1940.That was just four months after the opening.It was reported that no one died in that collapse.
I downloaded a video clip on the swaying bridge from www.youtube.com.This is the true clip.It is not a movie.Imagine you are driving on the bridge like that.
CLICK HERE : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j-zczJXSxnw&feature=fvw
19 ความคิดเห็น:
i think refraction .
it frightening .
it as the tax.
i feel excited.
am first .
Tacoma Narrows Bridge can move.
When, I have been seeeing then want to go to there. But regretted now it has collapsed already. T_T
I am so sad -3-~~~
I think it is like in about Harry potter and the half blood prince. Are you agree ?
Bye~~...Love Love
Hi teacher Pew.
Bridge is Dangerous.
i think because it's not strong.
Thank for read.
555+ Its look like funny !
I like that ... ^^
PS. comment 5 !! 55+
What's up!!! >3<
555+ I think it look fun.
It's like in a cartoon movies, that can move around.
I think the material of the bridge it doesn't made from the good stuff.
See.. When the bridge is collapse I doubt why the bridge look thin like that???
But I do sorry about the dog.TT_TT
Why he so mean like that. He shouldn't leave the dog. Poor dog.
See you tomorrow Ms. Byee~
Human is human. They are temped to conquer the rules of nature . They sometimes win that let the technology emerge beyond our imagination; however, it is more than half of them surrender with tragedies.
I just wanna point out that you can't gain if you never give, you can't appreciate the beauty of night sky if your eyes are never sore in the strong sun light, you can't feel good, if you never experience bad...so you will never win if you never fail.
Be ambitious and dare to do what you dream.
P.s. The only thing I want to blame is that what a hell the dog's owner were thinking, huh?...the dog should have been safe...it shouldn't have been in that damn car. Sorry ... I really fret.
H i Teacher Pew
You better take care of your self and take a lot of water to make the temperature down and you will get fine.KUB
About the bridge I think it's good to collapse on that time because on the past they don/t have many cars,thus no one hurt on that time.
But nowadays,people can made the bride without suspension thing on the bridge.
And I love to see the Rama 9 because it's so beautiful and full of the strong of the sling ..
Wish you well soon.
God bless you....... Have a good night.
hi Teacher
nattaporn no.22 m.6/5
Then this one will dare to bridge bloodcurdling end to end to.
Hello,Teacher Pew
My name is Kanjana Phokhieo m.6/5 No.21
very afraid. This is What I think it would like foreign movies, like making bridges move possible. Like what about the storm will blow.
Hello,Teacher Pew
My name is saparat thonghuad m.6/5 No.27
55+Funny Feeling. If this is Thailand. Sure no one would use the bridge.
Hello,Teacher Pew
My name is Rachadaporn praphochai m.6/5 No.23
Oh!! lamentable fact. Also good that no one has been injured. Or any loss. Bridge bloodcurdling.
My name is khongpoom m.6/5 No.7
We condole with. It would not be this kind of incident in Thailand, indeed.
Tacoma Narrows Bridge. .
It's a bridge to be afraid of.
It may be more traditional and
more narrow.
News events that have had at the
opening ceremony. But no harm
occurs ..
Hi, Teacher Pew
The disaster might can happen although make a mistake a little. Therefore will do must think well and think reasonable. Because the something is if make a mistake can not turn back correct.
Hi teacher Pew.
I saw this video clip.
To be giddy and to thrill.
If I drive a car on Tacoma Narrows Bridge. I will shock.
Hi, A'Pew
"Tacoma Narrows Bridge"
It's verry formidable.I'm not believe because it's verry awful.
Hello! Teacher Pew
My name is Tumawadee Sutanate M.6/5 No.29
I see this clip was excited frightening. If I have the opportunity to bridge that I would be crazy.
dear a pew
I think tacoma Narrows bridge it is old if have a chance i travel this there