I have two clips today.They are the funny clips from the "Just For Laugh" TV program.I want to attach just only one,but I do not want reject the other.I choose both of them because I am sure you will be happy when you watch them.I like the woman working out in the gym,but my cousin likes the woman picking her purse under the tree.How about you? Which one do you like? Tell me.
1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cXhia0RzALo&feature=related
2. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qA269CVyUfc&NR=1
1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cXhia0RzALo&feature=related
2. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qA269CVyUfc&NR=1
18 ความคิดเห็น:
Hi~~ T'Pew. >_<
I like Girl Gym Workout, because I think it properly.
5555.. Ahh~ Good to laugh!!!
Bye.. Sweet dream.
P.S. I have a song for you. I smile every time when I see this MV. Hope you will like it. ^^~
I think this clear better than that link.
Anyway, I like the dog in your picture. So cute.>///<
After I view video cilp.
"Just for Laughs - Girl Purse Up A Tree"
I feel relaxed.
Because I'm lethargic.
And I'm concerned with my problem. That just happened to a few hours
Hi~ A.Pew
555+ Like they said "laughing is healthy"
I like the first clip, cuz their faces looks funny~ I think if I were them I'll runaway from her~~!!! hahaha
The dog in your picture is your dog too? very very cute!!!
P.S. I feel guilty that missed your class for two times. I very sorry for that, hope you don't mind ♥
Dear Boom,
Thanks for the song.I like them.You are lovely.Most of all,you are very active.I love this point.
Teacher Pew
Dear Pie,
I am very glad to read your comments every day. Go on! do not stop.I can see that you can make it.
Teacher Pew
Dear Am,
That is OK.Donot worry.I really understand your situation. You are wonderful.
Teacher Pew
The woman dares really..... ^o^..
if I must do like this ..I 'm ashamed very much.
I think funny already........
Hm....I likes the woman picking her purse under the tree bcause it is close to good.
Bye Ja....A'Pew
Hi teacher Pew
How are you to day?
when I read the name of topic I am just laugh out but when my mother and I watched it.And my mother hear the farting sounds and she just laugh and laugh.It's so funny do you think?
Bye have a nice dream...
P.S. I think I love the song that Boom gave it to you so...
Hello A'Pew..
I'm concerned with my problem. That just happened to a few hours
Hello A'Pew..
I'm concerned with my problem. That just happened to a few hours
Hi Teacher Pew
I love the girls gym workout because I think I think I have laughed up.
We have time to make us laugh out revelry
Bye bye > U <
i think it is fun and i laughed.
Have a good draem
Hello,Teacher Pew
My name is Kanjana Phokhieo m.6/5 No.21
when i see this clib. my family is joyful. we to titter 55
My name is Tumawadee Sutanate M.6/5 No.29
My family laugh view clips. Cause relaxation of the study and performance of people in the home.
Bye Bye......
Epe it clips to the fun and relaxation.
Just for Laughs.
I like it.
I happy when I see that.She make every body in gym happy she is suger smart.