Michael Jackson was the king of pop who had rocked the world of music for 19 years.I was shocked when I heard the sad news.It was unbelievable that his big fans and I lost the talented singer like him.I can never forgot him because there was one of his songs remained in my mind.It shows me the beauty of music and his kind heart. That is "Heal the World".I always listen to this song whenever I think of peace and children. This means he himself and his music will never die.Rest in peace Michael!Anyway, Let's share your memory to the most popular singer and listen to his song I mentioned.Please,do not forget to tell me what you,my beloved students,think of it This song is linked from www.youtube.com.
Picture Resource:www.ninjamonkies.net
21 ความคิดเห็น:
Hi teacher Pew ,
I have to say I really think like you.Because some of his music is very had a good meaning and how beautiful of it.
But when I younger then this.I hate him so much because he not proud about his nationality but why the other Jackson don't. (I'm so confuse about it)
At last he die because his drug(medicine).He take a lot of drug before he dead .
When I saw him in the television he is so sick(mad,lost his mind).He very strange.
I witch him rest in peace.........T-T
Thank you teacher for this heading.
Bye Bye KUB. Have a nice dream......
I feel very sad when I hear sad news of Michael Jackson!!!
I think it is losing time great of the rock music. I feel sad really. TT^TT
Hm..?.. When I have seen this video. I feel very bad when I see the substance of the video at the first stage but when I see to end. I think it is many good when you have seen it because you will know
it gives view good point with us.
" I love this song :) "
P.S. Today I'm absent because I have sick already me will follow the work later.
Thank you...
Michael Jackson is the best of the best singer&dancer in time, it's so a shame that he died so soon.
In my opinion I never interesting of anything about him, but I do know all about his talent. I feel so sorry for his fans, they'll suffering for this news very much.
His beautiful voise, his amzing dance, it's will record in our memory forever. For now I don't think there is someone can replace him and even in the future.
For our king of pop Michael Jackson, you will be in our memory always.
I miss Jackson I feel that He have beautiful sound and good danceing but he make surgery plastic I feel that frightful His face same ghost.
Teacher Pew Good night and see you tomorrow Bye ka
Hi! A'Pew
I feel alarm with news Michael Jackson is die.
I think Michael Jackson is the best singer and dancer. He is an idol of many people.
I like his songs as you are not alone , black or white , bad and heal the world. Every songs have a good meaning.
I have respected him because he is like the person has intended to work.
He is king of pop.
I love U.
Bye Bye.^^
Hi A'Pew ^^
Michael Jackson is the best of singer.He is gifted and for me he cause everybody entertain more.
I feel so sad with depart to him and be eqaul I hope Michael Jackson is your heart with everyone forever...^^"
"I'll remember you always"
Good bye :)))))
HI A.Pew,
I think about MJ look like devil, Actually he was the best singer and the best dacing in world.
When he died,fans are sad and they join in themourn over a person's death.Now I don't know cause of he died.
Bye Bye
Good night have a nice dream.
Hello. Teacher Pewww....
I saw the clip very long time so I saw Michael Jackson this finally.I feel sad when I hear a new.He is the best singer and dancer. I think Many People shed tears to him.
I saw a news yesterday.I saw oneperson.He told "Michael is the idol for me."And he weep and wail and sing a song [Michael Jackson] too.But I feel bad to him something.-*-!!
I think he is chronicle of the Pop-dance music.
Wish he sound asleep.T-T
Thank you teacher.Bye Bye.....
6/1 tair
!...+_* hi teacher Pew.....
when i newsy in the television i regret l'm so sad.becuse i ever listen to him a music.
I don't forget Michael Jackson forevr.
bye.....lovely t'Pew
Am deer 6/5 No.25
Dear students,
You work very hard to write comments in English.You are also very brave.You like to learn new things This is your good point.I want you to write English every day because this is a channel to practise English.In order to write it correctly,research about grammartical structures from books,websites or teachers.Then, your English will be improved.
Teacher Pew
Sawatdeeeee teacher pew
The first time at see news him.
I feel frightened little Because I not like him the some.But later news about him it poor. So I am pity him.And I listen song him I feel begin to like his music.
Hi. Teacher Pew. . . .. . . . . . I feel very sad when I hear sad news of Michael Jackson!!!
some of his music is very had a good meaning and how beautiful of it.
Bye. .
some of his music is very had a good meaning and how beautiful of it.
Michael Jackson is the best of the best singer&dancer in time, it's so a shame that he died so soon.
..bye.......na kub
hello teacher Pew ^^
Michael Jackson is the best singer and dancer. I like moonwalk and song.
Now, Although he will die. But everybody will memory about him forever.
Have a nice day ^3^
Arrive at a teacher Pew.
I hear news of Michael from my mom. I shock very also. Because I see news that he will show the music soon. He is great and immortal. He is a person rebels the show MV modernly which MV in now have original be from MV his.
He sees to are the lucky man. But truth he is suffering person through. He must suffer with fire straight head wound through. He must eat the painkiller all the time and cause make him dies this time. He must the suffering and the disease skin alkaline. He has the necessity must surgical color operation white is equal. He was criticized very for this case.
He must torment with fire wound and the disease skin alkaline. But he tries to fight with these thing for has stood in the social and give everybody admit. He does great and succeeds. We should to be the precedence. Everybody life gets into trouble. But don't discourage.
Thanyakorn Mongcontrong M.6/1
Michael Jackson is my idol.
He is singer and danceing very good.
I like Michael Jackson very much.
By Nattaya 6/6
Hi A'pew
"Michael Jackson"
He is the best of singer and danceing very good.
Michael Jackson is my idol.
I heard the sad news now.
I liked his singing because his voice was very melodious
hi T/pew
Michael Jackson is the best singer and dancer.
I fell sad very much. .
I love he .When he dance i feel happy..
I love him and I admire the most. But,,, grieve with his family.T^T