Life is not easy as I imagine.Walking along the endless road alone does not mean that I have no one. My family and my friends are always with me,and the most important person is the hero inside my heart.I believe that.I can make things successfully whenever I think I can make them because the hero comes along.And the hero gets me through all difficult situations in my life.The video clip is linked from ,and I would like to thanks for giving the valuable clips that teachers can apply to their classrooms.
Artist(Band): Mariah Carey
strong follow fears reaches sorrow
road tear disappear soul know
Fill in the blanks with the words given above.
There's a hero if you look inside your heart
You don't have to be afraid of what you are.
There's an answer if you reach into your ………(1)……….
and the …………(2)………..that you know will melt away
**And then a hero comes along
with the strength to carry on
and you cast your………(3)………… aside
and you ……(4)……... you can survive.
***So, when you feel like hope is gone
look inside you and be ……(5)………….
and you'll finally see the truth
that a hero lies in you.
It's a long……(6)……… when you face the world alone;
No one ………(7)………out a hand for you to hold.
You can find love if you search within yourself
and the emptiness you felt will…………(8)………….
oh....Lord knows dreams are hard to……(9)…………,
But don't let anyone ………(10)…………them away.
Just hold on, there will be tomorrow,
In time you'll find the way.
Resource :
46 ความคิดเห็น:
Hollo,Teacher Pew
My name is Prapaphan Phenglakorn
M.6/1,Hero is first song for me and I like it. This song makes me strength and don't give up.
I like this sentense.
...So,when you feel like hope is gone look inside you and be strong and you'll finally see the truth that a hero lies in you...
I hope you like this song,too.
Bye bye.
hello e.pew i'm bell6/5.I never listen this song but when you open it's.I feel magigian.It make me feel hope and I listen it alway replay and replay I can singsong.I very happy it's first song I can sing thankyou :)
Suniruch Kavila no.15
Hello~ Kru Pew
I'm Am 6/1. The first time I've listen to this song was 2 years ago, I felt like something inside me power up so I'll never lose for anything ^o^ and you know what, I still have a Gooseflesh everytime I listen to it >.< hehehe~~~
Nuttida Pongnakin M.6/1 no.12
Ps. Sorry for my late comment ^^"
Hello Teacher Pew.
My name is Nutpicha Sukwiwat M.6/1
For me…Hero is the best song and best artist.
Mariah Carey is artist “Hero” she have power of voice and the voice sweet-sounding then Hero is the good song and interesting matter.
When everybody hear this song probably feel same to me because when listen to song I feel happiness and hope Teacher Pew like & love this song,too.
Thank you for the best song ^^’
I love Teacher Pew very much :‘)))
Ps. Sorry I’m late comment.
Huhu ~
Hi,my beauty teacher
I'm Boss M.6/1
I know I'm late for this comment but not late for U?
This song is very sweet-sounding for me and everyone.It makes me and them felt impetuous very much.
thank you for a melodious song very much.Bye 'n goodnight.^^++ Luv U so much...
Hi~..Teacher pew___
My name is Ratchadaporn 6/5.
this song is very sweet-sounding. when listen i feel is singer have good might sound. i like this song. after Kru pew open the song i listen this song more than the past. eiei ^_____^ ""
Sweet dream. Kru pew
See you Tormorow.
Hello Teacher Pew...wwwww
I am tair 6/1.I listen this song. I feel wonderful.This song is sweet-sounding and make worthy for my life.The Hero in my heart is my mind.I thing I find hero becouse I understand and love myseft.I see the truth that a hero lies in myseft.
You can see a hero If you see by your heart...
Good Bye...
Hello! teacher pew
I'm new 6/1.
Today I have come in to listen to the music this again.I like this music so much and audible everyone may think alike.It make I will dare to do with oneself by must not depend on others,cause the motivation.I have been the courage more and more such as something get come to write in block this... 555
if I make a mistake teacher may don't mind.
sorry l have late advise.
respectfully ^ ^
music , hero , be classical music that is melodious , in the words of a song implies the bravery in our body , add with the sound of a singer , that make the music appreciates the audience well
Hello,Teacher Pew.^.^
My name is Thiphathai Hankaew M.6/1
Hero is the first song that I like because this song is very sweet-sounding.The astist of this song is Mariah Carey.She have the power of voice.The power of her voice cause me feel wonderful when I listen this song.
Ps. I'm sorry.I'm late for this comment.
Hi teacher Pew~
My name's Chorpaka Phopan M.6/1
My opinion about of this song is when I heard I feel calm. I like the same sentense with Sine that.. So,when you feel like hope is gone look inside you and be strong and you'll finally see the truth that a hero lies in you...
So, thanks for the song and I'm realy sorry about the comment. I should comment early but the homework it make me crazy and very tried.
Hope you have a sweet dreams teacher. Bye Bye >3<
i'm suebsan....
i like this title very much
.........goodbye sweetdream
.............let's go
Hello,Teacher Pew
My name is Thitikorn Phuthabthim M.6/1
Hero is very sweet-sounding.I feel good when I listen to this song.
I hope you read my comment.
Goodnight,jubu jubu
Hello! KRU Pew,
This is Chiraporn or Chi M.6/1
I will tell you about song Hero and
One moment in time.I very like Hero and
one moment in time too,Because It's very well,good meaning and It' very like my real life of me .
About the artists , She so beautiful and the best singer in the world..
Thank you Kru Pew
you teach funny and exciting
Hello,I'm Natthanich Rungruang
M.6/5, I listen Hero music already I feel love this a music. becuae mean very impressed.
.......See you.............
Aloha~ teacher pew ^o^
My name is Nichakamom Nusuwan M.6/1.
when I listen this song. I think a lot of "Hero" is the best song, I like it. The meaning this song cause I have strength face everything.
I love teacher pew so mush~
Have a good dream ^3^
see you tomorrow.
My name is Chonlada Thongpanchang M.6/1 Nickname is pear
I feel that time hears happy and relax. it is a song at sounding genuinely. I want will hears emasculate.I think that It help
sawatde teacher pew is person lovely.
My name is Jirapa nick name is som.
I am from M.6/1 No.25.When I listen this song.Ifeel that she can sing interestedly. I think I like this song Because,it sweet-sounding is good.
Hello,Teacher Pew
My name is Rodjana sangthong M.6/1
when I listen Hero. I feel to be gooseflesh because this song sweet and well meaning.
For singer. she heve voice is amazing. when I listen. I have courage and hope.
Bye bye.
Hello~ Kru Pew is gorgeour
My name is pim 6/1
I think it 's very good meaning and easy listening and fell goog about it
I Just try to say I LOVE IT
Thank you Bye bYe
I audible at first , as a result , can tell that , because , very much , and music rucksack has that to listen then feel that , The classical
Hello! teacher Pew
I'm Tangkwar M6/5. When I listen to this song. I never know the meaning of it. But now I know. I love listening to this song because the meaning of this great song.
Thank you for the music very melodic.
Good Evening Teacher Pew
I have a good idea about the singing contest. I really think that we should have duo singers for one song.One is the main singer and another one is the chorus.
It's will make the song perfectly.
Do think the same??
Thank you for listening my comment.
From JADE M.6/1
Hello,Teacher Pew
My name is Jariya M.6/1 You know? When I listen to the playback of T? It feels like the world stuck in the chain of this song very well, meaning it strange เpeople never see their own advantage, but Moore does not appreciate other people view their own advantage. Teachers know that , but I never see their own benefits. But others see Moore, sometimes heart attack ourselves. But now I'm adjusted model perspective. And see myself doing good things for us if people do not love yourself. Who then is to love. To do it themselves and who can not make trouble. If it points to can do the same to others. The starting point. No one better? Are born every uniformly We define life by ourselves. fact that teachers, .... coming to visit the new big.
Hollo,Teacher Pew
My name is Thanyakorn Mongcontrong M.6/1
This music that have sweet-sounding and good meaning.
This music teaches love oneself, respect oneself and can oneself leader.
A singer is pretty, big eye and has lovely nose.
I like the My love Song.
I can interpret a little.
I know when our empty heart.
We try to seek love add in the heart.
Besides MV pretty very much.
Hello!T.Pew,i'm Rat.I ever listen Hero since M.4.I like this song,but I don't know what it means.So,I don't feel profound art with it much.But now,I feel profound art already.Thank you T.Pew.I love U^^
Hi Teacher Pew ^^
My name's Tumawadee Sutanate M.6/5
In my opinion, I think this song is melodious,Mariah Carey's magical voice. This song's good meaning and this song's renowned.
Sorry,I'm late for comment.
Thanks naka ^^
depend on audible for the first time when a teacher opens listen , as a result , can tell that , , the music is because , very much , both of the sound of a singer , the sound of the music , make profoundly accompany the music
I'm pig 6/5
I never listen this song. When i listenthis song. I feel happeness
Hello,teacher pew.I'm Yim
M.6/1.This song have good meaning,I love it.I always feel happy today and suffering next day.I know everybody run into happy and suffering in their life.So when I'm tried,this song can relieve the pressure on me and keep a good thing for me.
I hope in one day when I'm hopeless,I will know my hero in
my mine.
Hello,Teacher Pew
My name is Khanittha Janchote M.6/6
Music is a hero of music that I liked a lot.Becauea hero is melodic music and
I like Maraih Carey.
Bye Bye *-*
Hollo Teacher Pew
My Name is Pichamon Sombutmark M. 6/6
I write English not good. But will try to write.
Mariah Carey's voice is a powerful voice to sing a good artist. I love the voice of mariah Carey.
Music makes this feel hopeful.
Good Bye
I'm Dee 6/5
Hero song and music One moment in time is considered melodic music of another song. And a good meaning.In music this good Teacheng people to listen to Matter of life and living. This has led me to music content in the progression of my life.
Hello!! Teacher Pew
My name is Supaporn M.6/6 >_<
I like Hero a long time.but'I dot know it is Hero song name.
It is this melodic song.And it is music that has meaning.
I sorry if misprint. ei ei ei ^-^''
Bye Bye Teacher Pew
Good night.Ask you a good dream Jaaaa.
-.- Z z ...
Hello Teacher Pew
My name is Sripranom Srigongkam
M.6/6.I like this Music because this song then listen to musically not even listening.
Bye Bye *//*
Hello Teacher Pew
My name is Kanjutha M.6/6.I like music becauec It is a sweetly.
Bye Bye
Hello Teacher Pew
My name is Suminya chareawchat
m.6/6.Music very very good.
I like Content.
Bye Bye
Hello Teacher Pew
My name is Mookmartra Jetmanee
m.6/6.I like the song hero and one moment in time becauce in good detial ang good meanning.
Bye Byeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Hello Teacher Pew
My name is Nattaya Jaendpland
m.6/6.I love this song because music is a texture and melodic vocalist Mr good sound quality.
Good afternoon Teacher Pew
I'm Kwannarin Wanpathum M.6/6
I like the song Hero becauce Mariah Carey her so Beautiful
and singsong very good.
Good Bye.
Hello, Teacher Pew
My name is Dariga Camma M.6/6.
I like music because music is meaningful and melodic singer with a good tune.
Hello Teacher Pew.~
I listen Hero music l feel like ^^ this song because This song has meaning.
I'm sorry.I'm late for this comment.
:)name pasika naksiharat 6/5 No.26,
Bye Bye**
Hello teacher Pew in a sense I think it's a song that is meaningful and encourage good for people who are also disappointed.
Thank you for your comments ......... King.