Photo from: www.guardian.co.uk
Dear students,
This is a second task for this week. It is about the Sufficiency Economy.
It is no doubt that these days we tend to be more stressed and depressed than those in the past. This is because of curtain factors that affect our society as well as our life styles. Since the economic crisis in 1997, we have faced quantity of both individual and social problems such as debt, crime, unemployed, poverty, uneducated, drug addition, terrorism, etc. All of them are the social issues which need to be solved as quickly as possible. However, it is not easy to seek proper solutions for this circumstance. As a result, the Philosophy of Sufficiency Economy was considered as a guideline to help Thai people earn a good living and the country in overcoming the economic crisis.
The Sufficiency Economy was given by His Majesty the King Bhumibpl Adulyadej to us, the people of Thailand. It focuses on a balanced way of living. The philosophy contains three principles of moderation, reasonableness and immunity along with the conditions of morality and knowledge which can be applied to either individual or the whole society in order to maintain the balance, stability and sustainability.
As Thai citizen, I would like you to convey your ideas about how to apply the Philosophy of Sufficiency Economy to your life. This will be useful for not only you, but your friends also.
Teacher Pew
49 ความคิดเห็น:
Dear Teacher Pew,
I am really inclined to this topic. As Thai resident, the principles of Sufficiency Economy are strictly abided by me. There is an idea about applying the Philosophy of Sufficiency Economy to my daily life, I would like to share with you and other.
Regarding immunity, nowadays people mainly focus on money, image and fame. They appear to be discontented with what they possess. Hence, working too hard to earn money and maintaining social status are inevitable. They have insufficient time for themseleves and family. This fianlly lead to misery, anxiety and isolation.
What we can do in this case is realising who we are and what we really want. Life is not that long; thus, it wastes time to worry about money and status. A further point to mention is that attempting to avoid camparing yourself with others. On the other hand, competing with yourself is a good way to enhance yourself without any pressure and feelings of inferiority or superiority than others.
In brief, to protect yourself from getting lost in this illusion should be initially considered and solved by following the principle of immunity along with other principles and conditions.
Best regards,
The Philosophy of Sufficiency Economy to my life...?
I think it's makes every Thai citizen can live on thier own feet, makes me care about energy more than in before.
Hello Teacher Pew
I'm Nutpicha Sukwiwat M.6/1
"How to apply the Sufficiency Economy to our lives?"
For me...I think the Sufficiency Economy can use to our lives more.The Sufficiency Economy have important with people in Thailand,because a Thailander have occupation about agriculture is majority.So they must save money and everything they have.That I must to save money,save energy and save time for hold practice the Sufficiency Economy to our lives.
Bye Bye :)))))
Hi! Teacher A.Pew ^^"
"How to apply the Sufficiency Economy to our lives?"
I think Sufficiency Economy to my life is live by thier own, live with sufficiency.We can happy in what we are and what we have.
Thk for listening ^3^
Goodbye & have a sweet dream U_U
Dear Teacher.
I am tair 6/1.
About The Sufficiency Ecnomy to our lives?
I think It has a very profound meaning that has bearing on every sector of the society.And We can do the Sufficiency Economy to life.
I think I will happy when i do it.
In the Futur.I will live by the Sufficiancy Economy which my family and I teach childrens too.
Good bye...
We will first mention a few meanings. "Sufficiency Economy" philosophy is that His Majesty the king's words to guide the life of Thai people as the development and management as well as countries on the basis of the medium to consider is modesty. good reason to register the. And use caution and good knowledge of planning decisions and actions.
The Sufficiency Economy philosophy framework comprises three components and two underlying conditions . First, Sufficiency entails three components: moderation, reasonableness, and requirement for a self-immunity system, i.e. the ability to cope with shocks from internal and external changes. Second, two underlying conditions necessary to achieve Sufficiency are knowledge and morality. Sufficiency Economy requires breadth and thoroughness in planning, carefulness in applying knowledge, and the implementation of those plans. As for the moral/ethical condition, Sufficiency Economy enforces the conditions that people are to possess -- honesty and integrity -- while conducting their lives with perseverance, harmlessness and generosity. The Sufficiency Economy philosophy serves as a guide for the way of living/behaving for people of all levels, and is scalable with universal domain applicability, including business organizations.
Hello teacher
The Sufficiency Economy is good for everybody.I think everybody can do it but they are not do. HaHa,This project is make people for have a good life and happiness.
"You never miss the water till the well runs dry."
This a saying is good for me. Because I can do it but I not do.
If I do it I think I have a good life.
But I believe I can do.
Hello Teacher Pew.
I think The Sufficiency Economy very important at present. If everybody act on the Sufficiency Economy. You will get happiness in life.
Hi Teacher Pew
Long time no see.
I think I'll talk about the sufficiency economy to our life.It's very important on this time so much because everyone find out about their life.Example ,When some people have a lot of money and they will use it in expensive thing like bran name product.This example is shown me about people who selfish and look across other people head.
I think we should apply this thing to our life because we will realize about how valuable of your money and then you will have to save it to your future.
This is my thought.
Thank you for bring it for us
From Jade 6/1
Dear T.Pew
I thing about the Sufficiency Ecconomy of His Majesty the King
Bhumibpl Aduluadej.It's the sperbly.Thai people should be proceeded follow the King Because it given the bestest.
and the Sufficiency Ecconomy take a happiness for us.
My idea how to apply the Philosophy to Sufficiency Economy
for my life.I frequently brought share a money daily and then
I taken one bought an appliance
I enough money for the feature
this is one part in my life that imitate the King.
Bye Bye.
Dear,Teacher Pew ^.^
How to apply the Sufficiency Economy to our lives?
...I think the Sufficiency Economy has very important for our lives because it make a good life.Sufficiency Economy is a philosophy bestowed by His Majesty the King.If the people of Thailand do it I think they must have a good life.So I perform the Philosophy of Sufficiency Economy.Nowaday I feel I have a good life.
Bye Bye ๐.๐zZZ
hi A'Pew.....*_*
I think Sufficiency Economy appropriate conduct life me.it wastes time to worry about money and status
We with independent living.
The pooh......
deer 6/5 No.25
Teachers love the most beautiful.
Life is just enough to do it just know we spend Not unnecessarily wasteful. Not too greedy for money, such as parent to school they use it to store Day bowl drops and sods The calls do not talk to many because it will waste money to waste then Battice phone. Words do not mean just enough to not starve just wasteful. Not spend more than one
HeIIo Teacher Pew
I'm Tumawadee Sutanate M.6/5
I think that the sufficiency Economy is good in life. Can be used and useful in adjusting the plan on spending money. And can save money on family expenses.
Good luck and much happiness.
Thank you.
I'm khongpoom nickmae:nut
I Think,Kitchen garden planted vegetables reduce costs through the use of water in the home vegetable garden watering cuisine, the kitchen garden of vegetables that have grown because consumers. Some to sell at market. The rest to treat pig Saving collect the rest of the consumer spending in the future.
I'm Jum
Daily life of the sufficiency economy. Several possible V power People have many different ways. To live as the main economic sufficiency. The use of life by economic sufficiency is my saving and spending money like it do not buy anything unnecessary. And every day I would save money is collected daily.
Good evening, Teacher-Pew
Pom No. 27 Na Ka
In our daily lives . Something may be in need main king’s Sufficiency Economy. To be part of all our lives. To begin to develop our life is better. Positive than a negative in the first thing it to stick the medium. Do one too many. Should make the appropriate. We should use the value of life and is happy to spend a good mod. About the Ekebhamramrib the use of guards required. Use a little less. Is very valuable to know the avail ability of funds and helping other people know.
Thanks for reading..By
Hello...Teacher Pew!!!
I'm Tangkwar m.6/5
I think that the sufficiency economy important with me. And I have used in daily life. Then I found that philosophy sufficiency economy is very good if we can do.
Good Bye...... -_-?
I'm Attarat 6/4 No.1
This article is very good.
Because it is a part of everyday life.That people will be necessary.
And one that I take this philosophy.
Thanks for this good article.
Hello teacher.
This is a good article.
A way of life. Most people want to be used in education and everyday life. For being sufficiently
hello ! teacher
I think that the sufficiency economy important for people around the world.
We should realize that sufficiency. It makes us happy, but not too much horrified to see the value of Thai farmers, a national backbone of the most Have a good knowledge and can bring that knowledge to developing countries. Or the communities we live a more prosperous. Just as we have not very happy, less teacher
Thanks for this good article. It useful for my life.
We thank the teachers love respect. This led to a post I read.
Preeda 6/4 No.6
Lifestyle of farmers in Thailand today. Primary emphasis on sufficiency economy is important. And strictly in the various professionals are thinking about using the sufficiency economy philosophy to my everyday life. I'd like to think a way to share with others. Therefore, to work hard to earn money and keep the inevitable social status. They will not have time enough for love and family. Finally, this leads to misery. Anxiety and loneliness.
HI!! Teacher Pew
i'm Esanicha naksawat m.6/4 no.18
I think the Philosophy of Sufficiency Economy was considered as a guideline to help thai people earn a good living and the country in overcoming the economic crisis.
Which can be applied to either individual or the whole society in order to maintain the balance, stability and sustainability.
i think everybody can make!!!
Main Economic Sufficiency ณ์ a resource or object that we use to a minimum. Necessary and a farmer is very difficult. If we do not try we will not see that. How difficult will.
We need to appreciate and what farmers give us a comfortable today.
hello.. teacher
Sufficiency economy to the knowledge taught to wear a life-saving save with value. Sufficient enough. Not wasteful.
Thanks for this good article. It useful for my life.
We thank the teachers love respect. This led to a post I read.
Poommarin 6/4 No.8
Sufficiency economy philosophy is an approach that will help people get well and living in the country to overcome economic crisis.
A guide to help people get well and living in the country to overcome economic crisis.
...Dear Teacher Pew...
I think that the sufficiency economy philosophy has helped the economy of the people can know the resolve to survive and their families. For example, do not have enough to get wasteful spending parsimoniously. Which suits our economy at home now and still the problem of poverty to decrease.
Chonticha Akkarapreechanon. M.6/4
Thanks for this good article. It useful for my life.
We thank the teachers love respect. This led to a post I read.
thanakorn 6/4 no.5
Hello !! Teaher Pew
I am Jirati Nimruang M.6/2
No.1 Nickname Ong
I think that the sufficiency economy is a wasteful use of money do not know enough, and buying and implementing the benefit.
Economy enough to bring in daily life. In addition to teaching people that we are not greedy, we will also make a stand associated with poor-even in this economy.
This way we can do them in everyday life.
Good ByB
Teacher Pew
It is no doubt that these days we tend to be more stressed and depressed than those in the past. This is because of curtain factors that affect our society as well as our life styles. Since the economic crisis in 1997, we have faced quantity of both individual and social problems such as debt, crime, unemployed, poverty, uneducated, drug addition, terrorism, etc. All of them are the social issues which need to be solved as quickly as possible. However, it is not easy to seek proper solutions for this circumstance. As a result, the Philosophy of Sufficiency Economy was considered as a guideline to help Thai people earn a good living and the country in overcoming the economic crisis.
I'am NaKaRiN SeeSen M.6/2 No.8
Sufficiency economy as the foundation of life. Secure foundation of the earth.
Stake is like hammering on the building that houses support of the country are not eating enough is a enough to balance a rich, if we maintain enough is enough we will take this devilish.
Good afternoon Teacher^^
I'm Rat 6/5.If talk about how to apply sufficiency economy to my life.I think about this topic.Everybody not do anything if don't happen with myself.Same me!
i can't do enything if don't happen.But today I think I should begin save money for my life foever.I will mindful do it.
Good bye~^^
Hello teacher Pew
I'm Duangruethai Laohawat 6/2 No.31
The concept of Sufficiency Economy offers solutions to problems in both large cities and rural areas. Linking the modern economic system with the cooperative system.
It is an useful idea so if people know how to use it
"What you are planning todo tomorrow,do today;what you are going to do today,do right now."
Hello teacher Pew
I'm Duangruethai Laohawat 6/2 No.31
The concept of Sufficiency Economy offers solutions to problems in both large cities and rural areas. Linking the modern economic system with the cooperative system.
It is an useful idea so if people know how to use it
"What you are planning todo tomorrow,do today;what you are going to do today,do right now."
Hello teacher Pew
I'm Duangkamol laohawat 6/2 No.30
We can use it our lifestyle.
It would help our economic crisis.
It isan useful idea.
As I said that we can use it as our lifestyle so if people know how to use it for example
Use their money in a useful way.
Use Thai or local product to support Thai economy.
This is an useful idea if all of Thai people can do it,it is a positive idea and project too.
people won't have much competition in their social.
If Thai people can start doing this in the same time our economy would be better and everyone will be happy with their life.
"Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference"
Hi! Teacher Pew ^^"
I think Sufficiency Economy to my life is live by thier own, live with sufficiency.We can happy in what we are and what we have.
Thank you for bring it for us
good bye. . na ka
Hello Teacher Pew
About The Sufficiency Ecnomy to our lives?
I think It has a very profound meaning that has bearing on every sector of the society.And We can do the Sufficiency Economy to life.
good bye. . . . . . . ... kub
Hello teachers Pew.
I think people born then very fortunate to have other king smart and good to great, either. A way of life just enough to spend the rest of what is required cache
Thank you very teacher from Suwannee.
Hello teacher Pew ^^
Will ask if that "How to apply the Sufficiency Economy to our lives?"
I saving money and save energy. I use it as necessary.
I think everyone can do it.
bye ka~
*+patty+* 6/1
Hi Teacher Pew
i'm เพิ่งพงษ์6/5.. Sufficiency Economy in my life.It has many thing and I bring to use.such as to spend money,to know spend money,Don't to spend extravagant over position myself,to spend specific of necessary and furthermore is to spend time,to know use time worthy to know plan to spent time in work suchas when have free time from study.I will review of lesson from to learn in I don't understand and this all is bring Sufficiency Economy to order in to carry on in mylife however it everybody bring Sufficiency to order will life of that person encounter to happiness in life which better than have happiness from a lot of property but spend beyoud brave to feeect in life have happines only little time
See u on thursday
Hello Teacher Pew
I think the economy is important enough for everyone today.
Because now the government is bad economics
hi Teacher
nattaporn no.22 m.6/5
I believe that sufficiency economy. If we all help each other do. Benefits we receive a tremendous value. The medium used in the lifestyle.