I like to play many sports such as valleyball,batminton and basketball, but there is one sport I reall like to watch.That is The National Football League:American Football.
I don't think ones know that my favorite sport is American Football. I don't play but I watch whenever I have time and opportunities to do so. I am not a woman who loves violent sports but this kind of game teaches me a lot. I love the way I learn something from the game. Firstly, I learn how to work in team.Secondly, I recognize that time is extremely crucial. Thirdly, I can not trust any situation even though it seems like success is going to be in one’s hand because every player never give up. Consequently, the scores can be changed any time. Fourthly, the crowd of attendants could be influent on the players. Fifthly, good plans are needed for the whole game. That means the coaches and the players must analyze the game and flexibly change the plans in order to win the game. Finally, not only the strength and the intelligence of the coaches, the assistant coaches and the players are very important.
I learn a lot from the game; moreover, I apply the way they think and act into my daily life. I never give up to any problem. I thoroughly plan, and I am willing to change it in order to succeed in what I want to do. Furthermore, I respect to my colleagues because teamwork is my master key of achievement.
If you have an opportunity to watch it, you may like it.However, you need to know how to play the exciting sport and understand the rules. Then, you will know that why I like it. Anyway, I want to know about your favorite sport. Please, let me know.
All About American Football
1. American Football history
2. How to play American football: video series
Picture Reference : http://nfl-american-football.gemzies.com/show/entry_5332/American_football.html
43 ความคิดเห็น:
Hello.. A'Pew.
hahaha, I don't think I have my favorite sport.
I just feel ..yeah, it's nice...
By a way my skill about the sport things, is horrible. hahaha
Hello Teacher Pew
I don't know that you like American football because when you act in the class room is so chill and that is opposite in that sport.
I have my favorite sport too and that is swimming because It's made me so calm and have concentrade about study and everythings.
Bye Teacher Pew
Take care of your self...
Hi!! ^^
I think that if teacher are to play sports such play football.
555+ Cute!!
Teacher would like Doraemon playfootball. 55 ^^
sweetdream jub jub (^3^)
Sport that I like is ....
>>batminton O.o
I like it because I it is easiest for me.
I play since I was kid ^^
Good evening Teacher Pew
I don't like sport.
Good Night
Bye bye
Hi~ A.Pew
Sport... this word is far to me. I mean, You'd understand that word if you ever saw me before. Hahaha.
I really don't have a favorite sport. But I use to watch tennis challange on TV with my dad.
But it's a long time ago, now I hardly see my dad. I guess txice a week? hahaha
Laughing with tears drop.
Hi..teacher Pew.
I like play badminton.
I don't like play football.
Good night.
Bye bye! ^^
Hello...A'Pew ^^"
I like swimming very much,but I'm not to swimming about 5 year.
I think I can't to surely swimming.
"Lookpear" ohhh..555+
Sorry I'm forget to don't like her name "LOOKPEAR"
When do you favorite sport ???
I remember you ever tell me,You like a swimming.
...Yes or No ???
Good night teacher pew.
sweet dream.
Bye bye.
Hi!! teacher Pew.
I like play badminton and
football .
Because I feel enjoy and happy.
"Bye BYE"
WoW A'Pew
I like to play valleyball. 55+
I feel to have fun it .
It is skillful sport and when I play this sport , I feel that , I am the star. 55+ I'm over. ^^
Good Bye ~
Hi A'pew
......I like Badminton.^^And swimming.But why!'I'm fat.555555555++++ Because I love playing, but not often.
Do not forget to exercise with reduced shares.55+I'm kidding.
I can't believe that Jad like swimming. How could he????
Just he reach his hand, he can get to the another side!!! haha+
Mink is Goby fish consequently favorite sport is swimming 555+
My name NaMPeaR not lookpear
Sport that I like is swim.It is the sport I most bold
>>I play since I was *kid*<<
It last very long time
to remember 555555 5.
Aunt Boss!
Aunt Boss!
Aunt Boss!
ha ha ha+ ^___^
Hello, A'Pew
My favorite sport is volleyball, swim and muzzle. It very interesting for me. Oh many student like to swim, too. 5555
Hello, A'Pew
My favorite sport is handball, swimming and tabletennis.
I love sports.555555
bye bye.
see you again.
I believe it all very serious.
I will shout to yor "LOOKPEAR" 555+
LOOK PEAR go to catwalk in Paris.
LOOK PEAR go to catwalk in Paris.
LOOK PEAR go to catwalk in Paris.
LOOK PEAR go to catwalk in Paris.
LOOK PEAR go to catwalk in Paris.
LOOK PEAR go to catwalk in Paris.
You tell me "Goby fish" consequently
I tell you "LOOK PEAR go to catwalk in Paris." 555+
sweet dream.
hahahah 555+
you have a mustache and I think I see you same octopus.
you have a mustache and I think I see you same octopus.
you have a mustache and I think I see you same octopus.
you have a mustache and I think I see you same octopus.
Jad...you think same to me ???
Hello, A'Pew
I don't like sport.
Hi! A'Pew
I'm not favorite sport.
But I love to dance,I think it make me happy ~~ ^^
M.6/1 =View=
I know Noey why you don't like sport.
You see the height her,you will know ^^
555+ Just kidding!!! ^O^
M.6/1 =View=
I will kill you!!!!
Gobyyyyyy~ hahaha+
Hello Jan Pew
I don't like sport.because I am not sure that why.But I like athlete that bacause they handsome
Jirapa M.6/1
Ohhhh Boom
You are remain. I think have no a person.
haha+ Som I working my Eng project.
How' bout you? You sleep so late.
555+ Boom
I'm doing to like you.I'm be hurried work.
Hello~ Teacher Pew~
My favorite sport is swimming and batminton.
I like sports.
Hello teacher Pew
I don't like American football because I don't like hotness.
I like swimming Because someone had told me that will make me tall go up.
Hi A' Pew
i like sport that no violence.
Ex Batminton Swimming.
Hi A' Pew
To Ming
Why are rewritable ?????????????
I hate name LookPeaR
because of mink
My name is NaMPeaR
Hello A'Pew.
I don't like sports
because fatigue and heat.
But like most sports is swimming. Because it was very cool to play.
Hi A'Pew
I like play Basketball.
Time is not very comfortable I like to play it.
It's not strain
Specifically some issues.......
"My Favorite Sport"
My favorite sport is basketball.
This sport make me have black skin.555+
But I like to play.
Hello Teacher Pew
Another reason to not
like playing sports is
fear black.
Forgot told otherwise.
Boxing is a sport that does
not like because more violence lupine and pain.
Hello! Teacher pew
My name is Tumawadee Sutanate
M.6/5 No.29
I do not like to play sports of all kinds. Because I do not have time to play sports. Must learn the 7 days without rest. Even when sleeping.
Hello teacher Pew
My name is Kanjana Phokhieo
M.6/5 No.21
I love to play sports no more such. Especially badminton and swimming, but I would not swim very much.
Hello T’Pew
My name is Ratchadaporn Phrphochai
M.6/5 No.23
I would love to play sports. They played as the players