I seldom see my beloved students because there are a lot of school activities. Unluckily, you have only one week to study at school before you are going to have your final examination. I am so worry about this situation because some of you may be in trouble. Your problem is the tough assignment needed to be submitted before you leave school. No one has not finished it yet. It is about the disaster occurred in any part of the world. Thus, I decide to give you some information about it. Anyway, I will only focus on the natural disasters.
A natural disaster is a threat of an event that has a negative effect on people or the environment. They are related to earthquakes, tsunamis, drought,vocano eruption, blizzard, tornadoes, famine,fire and disease etc. The results of the disasters are the loss of human lives, economic setback and environmental destruction. I have some pictures to show you how the disasters devastate the wide areas and some excellent websites you can search for your research. I hope such the things will be of great benefit to you. Actually, my computer caught four viruses after I had downloaded the Haiti earthquake picture.Therefore,I warn you that you should be careful if you want to download some pictures.
The Online Book
The Online Article
The Picture references
34 ความคิดเห็น:
Good afternoon my teacher.
Wow.. A lot of homework make me crazy.
About your last homework I decide to do about the crime, but it also effect to the social in that moment.
Hi Teacher PEW^^
Now,homework very much makes me very nervous and confused.
I make it tsunami. But I will send my homework out to be teachers.
I will try,
Good night.:')
Hi, Teacher Pew.
It difficult for me. English project it very big, oh but I can do it.
Hi..Teacher pew.
My homework very crazy.
It difficult for me.
English project it very big.
I am try.
From..Nongluck 6/7
Good evenig teacher Pew
I'm very happy that you give us a big project about English and that so big .I don't think that I can do as best as our last 6/1.But I will try my best to do that for the succeed.
I do the artical about disaster in the Pompei because it's very interested story and I have been watched story about it since I was young.
At last. I will try to do my best.
cross your fingers for me.55+
Hi!! A'Pew
I forgot my ID and password.
I therefore subscribe to the new
and used new name.
I hope that teacher will recognize.
My name is Thirintorn No.23 M.6/1
Teacher work order I find it very difficult for me because of this I am not bold. I do not.(--!)
But I will have and delivery to keep up.
Bye Bye ^^
No more tenderness.
I would be very bad if no.
TT I saw the news on TV about Haitei.I feel I want cry....I think if Haitei is Thailand,,how I will do.......
The big project..I,m not starting... - -
Hi..Teacher Pew.
I doing homework to be finished.
What is to pass ?
see you again tomorrow.
Bye bye...
Hi~ A.Pew
This will be my last Homework for all. Ah~~~ that's relieve.
But I have no idea hoe to start it!!! >___<"
Well, I better to get start right na~
***Sparking with tears drop***
Hello A'Pew and everyone,
It is not too late to share the idea in this topic, isn't it? Well, I 've seen many disasters occuerd around the world. Each of them is really frightening and I feel greatly sorry for those who experienced with it. Incidentally, I am a christian. I've been taught by pastor from my church that it is time of God to come back and already judge people who have sins since they were born. In the extract from the new testament, Bible, told that this era is the last it will have many disasters. For example, it will lack of foods, have many diseases that so really serious that cannot treat. In my opinion, these are true! Obviously, we can see from news or media. However, it is just me. ^^
Hi A'Pew
English project it's very very very...Big project.
Now my homework make me very crazy,but I will try to send a homework (English project) for you.
Bye ~~~
Hi!! A'Pew
My homework very much.
I feel be tired and be weary.
English project it biG and hard.
I will try to do it.na
<-Good night->
Hi A'Pew
"Never give up without a fight"
I believe in this idiom.
I know , English project it very big but I never give up without a fight.
I will try and I must can. 55+
Hi Teacherpew..
About homework,English project BIG.
But I do it.I saw the Disaster.I think it's Benefits.
I do Disaster Nargis.I feel enjoy and tried.
Bye Bye.^^JubJub
suphattra 6/1
Hello~ A'Pew
I have a lot of problem in my homework.
I can't start!!! I don't know what should I say.
hahaha+ ~No sleep tonight,
You won't get, no sleep tonight~
yes! *~TATR~*
>>homework,English project BIG.<<
Thought then strain T^T
I hate this event possible.
Hi A'Pew
Today I don't to go to school and I make your English project.But I problem in my homework.I'm not find to some data.
Boom...you call to me at 7.25 am
I'm very very very...sleepyyyyy~~~
Why? you'll must call to me early morninggggggg.
= =*
"Boom Baaaaaa" ^^"
sweet dream my teacher.
Hi A'Pew
The Assignment is very hard.
I'm forgot.
To... sine
your work is the best.
Hello A'Pew
My homework is very much!!.
But I will do this your homework,as it will be difficult.^^
M.6/1 =View=
You bite me in every subject.
Ahhh!! What to kill you more.
haha!!! see you on monday.
Hi Jan Pew
I search disaster many story but , I don't like.When I seek the data then , change one's mind.And now I think me has can to choose already.
Hello..teacher pew
Close examination is much more work to do and miss. Very regretfully
Hello~ Teacher Pew~
English project it very "Big".
It difficult for me.
I will try to do best.
Hi Teacher Pew.
I also do not finish all.
If I send some Friday???
Love Teacher PEW^^
Teacher Pew!!!
If sent Friday. I do intend to work best.
Bye Bye^^
Hi Teacher PEW
I work assignments completed.
I’m very delighted.
I doing homework to be finished.
It is not easy and not difficult.
but I very busy
I am confused with the many.
Know will work?.
I will Ask your friends.
Teacher Pew
I want to say that I finished the last assignment.
I am happy.555+
Hello teacher Pew
My name is Kanjana Phokhieo
M.6/5 No.21
Don't understand that disaster. It's not about where to send work.
Somebody help explain the little understood.
teacher pew.
Today I saw Thung-ngern and Thung-thong. I feel
very happy and enjoy.