We have two lovely creatures in our school?.They are Thai water buffaloes named Thung-ngern and Thung-thong.They live happily in the field.Anyway,I am not sure if you know the two superstars.Thus,I would like you to give me some information about them.I hope you enjoy posting this first assignment.
วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 8 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2553
What You know About Thung-ngern and Thung-thong
We have two lovely creatures in our school?.They are Thai water buffaloes named Thung-ngern and Thung-thong.They live happily in the field.Anyway,I am not sure if you know the two superstars.Thus,I would like you to give me some information about them.I hope you enjoy posting this first assignment.
วันอาทิตย์ที่ 7 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2553
วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 4 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2553
Who are in the Pictures ?
วันอังคารที่ 2 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2553
What Grade Do You Deserve?
Everybody studies hard in order to get good grade. Grade A is what you want, isn’t it? I really understand this situation because I used to be a young student. However, there must be someone who thinks he should not deserve to get the best grade. Why? He said he was too lazy. I have no opinions about this because he may have different ideas. Thus, I want to know the truth from you. Tell me what grade you want and why you deserve to get that one. Give me some reasons. I am looking forward to reading your answers.
วันจันทร์ที่ 1 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2553
What I Want To Say
There are many students I teach this semester. Thus, there are various behaviors I find every day.These depend on which class they are in. Some students are lazy while the others are industrious. Since you are going to leave school soon, you may have something to talk to your friends. It is just the thought of your friendship. For me, what I want to say is “I love you, my dear students”
วันเสาร์ที่ 30 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2553
My Favorite Sport

I like to play many sports such as valleyball,batminton and basketball, but there is one sport I reall like to watch.That is The National Football League:American Football.
I don't think ones know that my favorite sport is American Football. I don't play but I watch whenever I have time and opportunities to do so. I am not a woman who loves violent sports but this kind of game teaches me a lot. I love the way I learn something from the game. Firstly, I learn how to work in team.Secondly, I recognize that time is extremely crucial. Thirdly, I can not trust any situation even though it seems like success is going to be in one’s hand because every player never give up. Consequently, the scores can be changed any time. Fourthly, the crowd of attendants could be influent on the players. Fifthly, good plans are needed for the whole game. That means the coaches and the players must analyze the game and flexibly change the plans in order to win the game. Finally, not only the strength and the intelligence of the coaches, the assistant coaches and the players are very important.
I learn a lot from the game; moreover, I apply the way they think and act into my daily life. I never give up to any problem. I thoroughly plan, and I am willing to change it in order to succeed in what I want to do. Furthermore, I respect to my colleagues because teamwork is my master key of achievement.
If you have an opportunity to watch it, you may like it.However, you need to know how to play the exciting sport and understand the rules. Then, you will know that why I like it. Anyway, I want to know about your favorite sport. Please, let me know.
All About American Football
1. American Football history
2. How to play American football: video series
Picture Reference : http://nfl-american-football.gemzies.com/show/entry_5332/American_football.html
วันศุกร์ที่ 29 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2553
The Last Assignment

I seldom see my beloved students because there are a lot of school activities. Unluckily, you have only one week to study at school before you are going to have your final examination. I am so worry about this situation because some of you may be in trouble. Your problem is the tough assignment needed to be submitted before you leave school. No one has not finished it yet. It is about the disaster occurred in any part of the world. Thus, I decide to give you some information about it. Anyway, I will only focus on the natural disasters.
A natural disaster is a threat of an event that has a negative effect on people or the environment. They are related to earthquakes, tsunamis, drought,vocano eruption, blizzard, tornadoes, famine,fire and disease etc. The results of the disasters are the loss of human lives, economic setback and environmental destruction. I have some pictures to show you how the disasters devastate the wide areas and some excellent websites you can search for your research. I hope such the things will be of great benefit to you. Actually, my computer caught four viruses after I had downloaded the Haiti earthquake picture.Therefore,I warn you that you should be careful if you want to download some pictures.
The Online Book
The Online Article
The Picture references
วันศุกร์ที่ 15 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2553
Teacher's Day

Hello my students,
Tomorrow is a Teacher's Day so I'd like to write a little bit about my career. Looking back 23 years ago, I thought I have chosen the most challenging and most rewarding profession. Yes, I chose to be a teacher;however, the rewards that I just mentioned are not materials. As we know this job doesn't pay a lot of money,but the emotional rewards are enormous. It's worthwhile to see you grow up to be good people in society and make a difference in the future. No matter where you are from, no matter how smart you are, you all are my beloved students whom I am proud of. Thank you for your continued commitment that always inspires me.
"People are just as wonderful as sunsets If I can let them be.
I don't try to control a sunset.
I watch it with awe as it unfolds, and I like myself best when appreciating the unfolding of a life."
~Carl R. Rogers
Picture from http://www.124simi.com/images/area_images/sunsets.jpg
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