Dear students,
I absolutely appreciate five students'opinions on the comments they have posted since they were assigned at the beginning of the course.However,Ploy who had to be in the picture did not come and take the picture as I told her.It is proved that not all the M6 students can do like them even though they have the same tasks and work at the the same time.Anyway,I am eager to read different comments from the others.
The students seen in the picture are active and enthusiastic about the topics posted by me.Their English at present are better than that in the past.I am very proud of them.They are my big fans.They often read and write English;consequently,they can undoubtedly brush up their English soon.Keep going.Do not stop doing such the good valuable thing.Bright future is for the ones who light candles themselves.Actually,
there are a lot of students who have alrealy posted in my blog and the others just visit and read the topics.If you look back,you will find that a lot of students gave me the comments through the website.Thus I am looking forward to seeing the other new big fans who frequently visit and comment on the topic you love.Thank you for all the students, not only the five one mentioned above,who work hard by writing your comments to me.
Nevertheless many students do not want to post because they do not want anyone to find their weaknesses.Be brave.I know you can make it if you think you can.Do not be afraid of anything.Take a look at the four brave students and you will find that they have everything in common with you.Follow their steps.You can catch up with them.I will be by your side.I will support you whatever you want.Please,let me know.
11 ความคิดเห็น:
Congratulation with them.They're very awesome.
I'm really happy for you guys. ^^
Congratulation with my friends !!!
They are very diligent.
I'm glad with them.
My friends are active and enthusiastic about the topics posted their comment.Their English at present are better than that in the past.I am very proud of them.I'm delighted with you.
Thank you.
WoW.I'm Happiness,
The rooms are different, but congratulations truthfulness
See you on the good grade.
Laughing day life bit cloudy
Congratulation,They are bautiful and handsome, I begrudge them.
Thank you and very much the mind gives with friends. ^o^"
Fighting Fighting - -"
Hello TeacherPewwww......
Ha Ha...
This my picture!!!!!!
WOW.I feel good and surprised.
Bye Bye...
Thank you My friend.
Congratulation with my best friend
photos all look good.
Congratulation with my friend.
They are so good.