The bird in this video clip downloaded from www.youtube.com is very clever.I wonder how it can do like that.I say that I have never seen any birds catch fish like this one in my life.I think this is not the instinct,but it is its learned behaviour. Learn in order to survive.
Click Here :http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UNTw7GH325U
Picture Resource: www.grahamowengallery.com
Video Clip Resource: www.youtube.com
24 ความคิดเห็น:
Amazing bird!!! OoO
So clever 555
My dad he's very impress. He said "It's very smart."
But, well.. people can learn to servive I think the animal too, isn't it?
Well.. Teach' I think the next time you must be find the cat can speak or maybe dog surely.5555+
I'm just kidding^^ I like it.
Thank you for shared your video.
Oh.. and thank you for your praise for me. Byeeeeee~
T-Pew *-*
After that to praise a fishing bird,
I think a bird eyesight well bacause a bird on the ground,
but eyesight of a bird stare a fish in the marsh all the time
I'm find the meaning vocabulary is finished, I'm be not sure in the meaning
Bye, see you
Miss you & Luv you
**---A La Mode -- Pie--**
Dear Boom,
I have a video clip shown about a talking dog.I am not kidding you.I will share it later.Anyway,I love your English.
Teacher Pew
Dear Pie,
Watch the clip,not the picture.
Teacher Pew
Oh...I'm sorry
Sweet dream na ka kru Pew
--Pie--A La Mode--
I like a video clip.
The bird is amazing and very clever.I think that if continually the birds can fishing !!!.I'm sure...human must to difficult,cause The birds catch a task.
Who is the human?
They're have to diligent more.
I'll waitting for a talking dog.
Love you ^^'
The bird in the video clip is very clever.It's very smart.It's learned behaviour in order to survive.It's like a human.
Thank you for the video clip that you share for me.
I will comment the next paragraph.
Bye Bye.
Hi teacher Pew
When I saw the you-tube video clip I think it's very a smart bird.
The animal is do the thing like human just like in the clip said.
Thank you to show all the clip to us.
It's wily!!!!!!
I think It's striking.The bird can fishing same a human.In the future, It will go to deceive a human!^o^555+ I like to thinking it and to save one's own skin.
It's impressive!!!!!!
Bye Bye.Thanks for clip.
Dear..Teacher Pew
I have the something that wants to give a teacher sees very much.
He is my hero .."Nick Vujicic"
He was born without limbs but he nevers discouraaging with the life. I want A'Pew and friends enter to see in the video and his article
He makes me thinks out that I must fight next .
Teacher Pew .... I will want to give a friend see it. I ask for permission to lead this article goes to inform every an opinion.
Thank in advance.
bye and Sweetdream ^^"
Wow!! It's very intelligent.
It's known hunting prey.
Um..m Have a nice dream.
jub jub (^3^)
I'm darika M.6/5
Before I'm saw the fishing bird.
I have unbelivevable.but I change my idea.
The bird's really clever.It could to learn for to live with the scenery.I love it.
Good night.
Hi teacher Pew
The bird is amazing and very clever.It's very smart..
bye..........kab moo
Oh! . my god. . .
Amazing bird!!! OoO
The bird is amazing and very clever.I think that if continually the birds can fishing !!!.I'm sure...human must to difficult,cause The birds catch a task.
I think it's very a smart bird.
behavior it is interesting for me.
Really,A bird is very smart.It know modify and change the means live for survive.Think over a bird is intelligent more me.
Is a bird but intelligent.This agree call "A Fishing Bird".
I like it.
Bye bye Ka~ ^3^
*+patty 6/1+*
A birds are very talented.
It's know that life worthwhile.
It is learned behaviour.Learn in order to survive.
I loved its.
Hello teacher
It is intelligent very.
It does to are like a person fish that lead a victim comes to induce.
Finally when the fish was been deceive it eat the fish.
The tricky.
bye bye
Hello A'Pew
Animal evry kind know saving oneself and it make a living.
It be expert saving oneself.
Like human have deceive for saving oneself.
But the bird intelligent very much,It be lovely .
Hi teacher Pew ^.^
I'm Mookmastar M.6/6 No.13
I thing that this bird So hungry because I see it eat quikly.
Amazing!! A Fishing Bird.
a bird skillful and good idea.
By AoM 6/6
Hello,Teacher Pew
My name is Rachadaporn praphochai m.6/5 No.23
When I see this video.It's both clever and very good work. It's not like all birds. If I am it. I do like to do otherwise.
Hello! Teacher Pew.
The nature builds the living things has something different genius. A bird has like this. Other animal has otherly. If there is alike will have no new clip comes to see.