If ones think that walking is the action of moving from one place to another place, they underestimate the advantages of walking. I learnt from a TV program that walking 10,000 steps a day improves your health. At first, I did not pay any attention to it because I just focused on entertainment. One year later, I realized that I gained a lot of weight. Moreover, I could not climb stairs at school. The reason was my knees hurt me. I tried to lose my weight, but I was easily quitted by my delicious food attempted me. I thought that I need something to help me have self-discipline. A pedometer was my answer so my niece, Kes, and I worked very hard by researching from internets in order to know where I could buy one. The other niece, Laddy, and her boyfriend, Alex, knew that I wanted it. They surprised me by buying me a white lovely pedometer as a birthday present last May. Thank you for a million times. I started my 10,000 steps-a-day walking program as soon as I got it. Now I enjoy it every day because I have my goal to reach each day. As the result, I can walk practically and climb stairs easily. Furthermore, I lose my weight and keep fit. I am so happy to have my new life since I do not like to sit on my chair all day. I prefer going out to walk in a park or in a fitness center. The pictures above show the park where I go to walk in every day. It is worth doing.
วันศุกร์ที่ 15 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2554
Walking for Health
If ones think that walking is the action of moving from one place to another place, they underestimate the advantages of walking. I learnt from a TV program that walking 10,000 steps a day improves your health. At first, I did not pay any attention to it because I just focused on entertainment. One year later, I realized that I gained a lot of weight. Moreover, I could not climb stairs at school. The reason was my knees hurt me. I tried to lose my weight, but I was easily quitted by my delicious food attempted me. I thought that I need something to help me have self-discipline. A pedometer was my answer so my niece, Kes, and I worked very hard by researching from internets in order to know where I could buy one. The other niece, Laddy, and her boyfriend, Alex, knew that I wanted it. They surprised me by buying me a white lovely pedometer as a birthday present last May. Thank you for a million times. I started my 10,000 steps-a-day walking program as soon as I got it. Now I enjoy it every day because I have my goal to reach each day. As the result, I can walk practically and climb stairs easily. Furthermore, I lose my weight and keep fit. I am so happy to have my new life since I do not like to sit on my chair all day. I prefer going out to walk in a park or in a fitness center. The pictures above show the park where I go to walk in every day. It is worth doing.
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