Merry Christmas my dear students,
The time of celebration is coming. You can see lot of colourful light and Christmas trees decorated with beautiful ornaments in many places during this time of the year. We all are used to the candy cane, the gift bow,the star, etc. but don't know exactly what they are about? Therefore, I think it would be nice for you to know the meaning of these symbols. Below is information of some of them. If you know more, do not hesitate to share with me and your friends.
Wishing you a bright and delightful holiday season!
The Star: A heavenly sign of prophecy fulfilled long, long ago- The shining hope of mankind.
The Color Red: The first color of Christmas, symbolizing that Savior's sacrifice for all.
The Fir Tree: Evergreen- the second color of Christmas shows everlasting light and life. The needles point up to heaven.
The Bell: Rings out to guide lost sheep back to the fold, signifying that all are precious in His eyes.
The Candle: A mirror of starlight, reflecting our thanks for the star of Bethlehem.
The Gift Bow: Tied as we should all be tied together in bonds of goodwill forever.
The Candy Cane: Represents the shape of the shepherd's crook, used to bring lost lambs back to the fold.
The Wreath: A symbol of the never ending eternal value of love having no end.
14 ความคิดเห็น:
Hi~ A.Pew
Wowwww~~ I never know about all that stuff before~
I do love to watch people make a chistmas tree. It looks fun and feel warm inside every time I saw.
Oh~~ A.Pew, what about the meaning of the color green?
HAPPY (almost)NEW YEAR~~!!!
Wow A'Pew
Really , I never think that the chistmas has thing splendidly neither meaning and beautiful.
I feel wonberfull about that.
I wish you have happinnees in new year~!!
Bye ...... ~~~
Hi, my dear.
Do you remember me?
I had read it.. I like all candles on chrismas tree that meaning a starlight..Woww so beautiful,,*-*
But I never celebrate this festival with my family..so sad T^T
But I'm not serious^^55+
And finally,I hope you have met a goot thins that make you happy in everytime..jub jub!!
Boss :') 6/1
Hello teacher
i thing about chistmas day. it fun and happy. Merry chistmas i wish happyness and sussesful.
Hello Teacher.
How the thing's going?
About the chistmas day.In my thought it not about Thailand at all but Thai people love to shere things like gift and love to traveling around to fill their need.I think it's good because now in Thailand they have too many moron who fighting around and never give up and never had a forgiveness to each other.
Don't know What to do about it..
Let's get back to the. Chistmas day .
I love the meaning of the Wreath: A symbol of the never ending eternal value of love having no end.
Because if you trust for your married you will always know about "Love having no end"
Gooooood Night
Hi~ My lovely teacher.
Wow I didn't know that before.
Well, I don't like christmas but doesn't mean I hate it. It just remind me that another year will be past.
What we miss in this year?
What we doing wrong in this year?
How waste of time, don't you think?
And it make me feel so sad.
Specially this year.. hahaha I think you know why.
Good night A'Pew.
HI [Unv] T" pewW
Nkeka pairs.
Have you ever heard of it, some do.
I used to see a movie. About the chistmas day . .Home alone. .do u know..i like this movie very must..
In all those colors.
What teachers like color.
Why ?
, but I like brown because
it's very attractive .
Love. .pic 6/5
Hello A'Pew
I didn't know about it before.
I had thought it was a device to be decorated just beautifully.
I love chistmas days. Because that day is a very beautiful day from home shops and street lighting and chistmas tree adorned with beautiful.People are happy.
I feel very happy.
Lov U ^3^........
Pimpida 6/1
Hello Teacher.
I love Chistmas days. Because I have fun and to be excited with gift. I believe everybody like Chistmas days.
Hi.Teacher Pew.
Good night.
Bye bye.^^
Hello teacher
I know about chistmas a little.
But I like it because I have fun and so happy.I think an everyone may like alike.
"Good Night" kub
ICE 6/1
Sawaddeeeee Teacher Pewww
Ohhhh I never know story of Chistmas.And I want the gift very much.
Ohhhhh I forget tell you.I want the gift for you.
Hello teacher Pew
My name is Kanjana Phokhieo
M.6/5 No.21
On Christmas Day. It is a birthday with my father. They ask everyone is very happy. We have so much other gifts.