Kingda Ka is a roller coaster located at Six Flags Great Adventure in Jackson Township, New Jersey, USA. It is the tallest and fastest roller coaster on earth;moreover, it becomes the remarkable thrill ride in the world. It also breaks all world records for coaster speed and height. The coaster is 456 feet tall and launches from 0-128 mph in 3.5 seconds. Riders climb up one side at 90-degrees, and then plunge into a corkscrew at 90-degree nosedive down the other. Due to the fastest speed of Kingda Ka, it is closed on rainy days because the rain would whip against riders’ faces.
I personally like this awesome roller coaster,but I am scared of roller coasters. I am not a kind of thrill seeker.I could die on the spot if I rode the world’s fastest and tallest roller coaster ever. Thus,I prefer to watch the riding.
CLICK HERE: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HN8nv4tVFuA&feature=related
15 ความคิดเห็น:
Good morning!!! hahaha..
I think at now, you must be sleep.
Well.. I have to thanks about your advice if you don't tell me, I must be still misstanding of this word.
Ahhh.. I want to ride!!! It's must be fun. hahaha
Well.. I like kind of this stuff.
Bye~~ love U.
P.S. Um.. In the video, what is that language. It's not like an English, I think.
Hi, Teacher Pew
I have used to see this feature on TV. I see since designing, building and experiment play. I want to play very well. But big problem is…
I haven’t some money goes up an airplane.
Good evening A'Pew
If I have been in New Jersey, USA.I just want to go there and ride the most thrill roller coaster of the world even I'm so scare of it.But you will never know how much thrill you will get.And I think you will like it so much..HA-HA++
Good Night.......
In thai ..have it
I don't know how you can go on this; crazy coasters like this one scare me :(
looks like you'd get a major rush out of it though.
Hi~ A.Pew
That's it~!!! just a few minutes!! Oh come on...
Really at the first I was just "Wow!! awesome!!" but then... End. O_O?
But it's okay~ I enjoy it a lot~
One day I'll going disney Land and play all kind of this!!!
Thank you
I never enjoy with roller coaster.
I'm so scare it,but my friend tell me that it very funny.
It is very challenging and soul-stirring.I want to try washing it once played.I would surely cry.
i feel very good. i projected dreamworld 25 Sep with my frinds
is comimg soon i feel thriller .
Hi A'Pew
Sorry.I'm visit in my blog,but I'm not comment in my blog.
I will comment to my blog.555+
Ahh...I see your clip and I want to play it.It's must be adventurous.
Anyway I want to play it.
555+ Thank you for your cilp
Minkkiie 6/1
I want play roller coaster. Because it maybe funny and to be excited.
Hi Tracher pew
It's terrifying!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
But it's look like fun.!!!!!
It's verry excited I saw that and I'm panic-stricken.Ohhh, I want to ride but I am acrophobia I so sad.
Hello teacherpew
I think it very excited
because it funny but it interesting
Hello all teachers Pew best to do Feeling like no money to do good. +555 Go to Dream World with my friends with the best fun.
Hello A'PEW
I ever to play it.I feel much fun
.........you remember me ?......