When I was young,I wanted to spend all my time playing games or sports with my neighbors.I enjoyed my life and had nothing to worry about.The world was so beautiful.I laughed and had so much fun whenever I played a scary ghost with the kids next door,Joo and Tum.They played a trick on me first so I did the same things to them later.I never forget those moments.I was so happy that I had not wanted to grow up and become an adult.
However,time changes.I am one of the living things in the universe;therefore,it is impossible to ask the sun to stop shining by day.When I was a teenager,I gradually changed my interests.I loved studying and became a bookworm.I read books every day because I wanted to become the top student of my class.I could make it,but that was not enough for me.I yearned for the highest points in every subject and did not want anyone to take my place.Thus I emphasized on studying hard and disappeared from the playground.I read all day and whenever I had free time.I stayed up super late studying.Time was precious to me so I did not do any activities as I used to do with my family.My world was my books.I was an energetic young girl. As the result,I got the highest points in every subject,except for geometry and science.I thought I was qualified.I was so proud and happy when I succeeded in my study.I never cared very much about my friends' feeling.I never realized these kinds of disgusting behaviors until I finished high school.I got only my transcript but not the relationship.I had not any ideas why I changed so much.No one forced me.It was my unwanted attitudes.Actually,everybody asked me to relax and play sports with them,but I came so far.
Not too long,I had another interesting thing when I became the late adolescent.I started teaching five extra classes in the evening.I was so happy because I could earn big money while I was studying.Making money was enjoyable and pleasant.I taught on weekdays but I was still the top three students.I saved my money and bought things I wanted later.I gave some to my mother.I had worked and studied hard since then.I taught so many students that I went home around 11.00 p.m. after I was very popular among the people who lived in the same village.I never went home before the sun set.Furthermore,I had my extra class on Saturday.I got massive money every month.I felt good.That made me accustomed to work hard,and my points of views were changed again.It was not long to live as a business life because I moved to Sakaew province and worked as a teacher.
The remote area was full of love.People were friendly,kind and helpful.Their lives were so simple and I knew at that moment that this was the real life.I lived alone. On one hand,I stood on my own feet without my family and friends,and that made me feel lonely.On the other hand,My life was free from economic chaos.There were no any department stores and luxury restaurants.I had a happy life since my life in the unfamiliar area was not complicated.There were no road blockages and the villagers' lives were easy going so I did not need to hurry any more.I always got up early in the morning to buy vegetables,grown naturally in the fields,in the yard,on the hedge or on the water surface,sold by old villagers at the market.Going to market in the morning let me know their real lives.I directly learned the ways of their lives, traditions and cultures.It was worth doing that every morning.Since it was not far from my place so I had much time to stroll and observe the goods.It was inexpensive, thus I never paid more than ten baht for fruit or vegetables a day.Then I went home to prepare myself for school.I taught my lovely students with my high competence.I devoted my time to my students who needed someone to support them.I knew my strong point which was tutoring.Consequently,I routinely tutored for hours after school without asking anything in return.In addition,I rode a motorcycle with a friend of mine to visit poor students who lived in the far villages and I reported the information to other teachers.Then,we helped those students together by giving them jobs done in the afternoon and scholarships.I was so happy because they could had not only the money to school but also the money to pay for what they needed at home such as meal,clothes and necessary things in their lives.After working there for nine years,I moved to Bangkok,the city where I was born.
Living in the city of Thailand completely changes my life.It is up side down to the country I just came from.Firstly,there is heavy traffic on the roads in the morning, and I get stuck in traffic for several minutes.It is worse if some drivers disobey stop signs or traffic lights,and those inevitably cause the accidents that make me late for work.Thus I must get up at five o'clock and go to work at six am. That means I do not have time to go to market in the morning.Instead,I drive through the traffic congestion.Secondly,everybody is in a hurry like a guinea pig running in a small winding wheel.I am so tired with time as it is precious to Bangkokians,some say time is money.They focus on time and money too much;as a result,their families are not strong any more.I was shocked when my students told me that they never saw their parents,since they went to work while the kids were still in bed and went home while the children were in bed.They hardly see one another by day.I am almost like them because I had two hours to have dinner,watch TV and talk to my family after I came back home.It was not enough.Thirdly,it is not the land of smile as it used to be.People who live next doors or persons who work at the same offices do different things opposite to the slogan they promote our country.They are easily angry with others,and they do not know how to work in the real team.I am not happy to have bad atmosphere at my work place.Finally,I lose my balance in life when I work hard.I am not healthy and fit now.It is said that"the value of work evaluated by its product". This makes many people work so hard that they unbelievably forget to do exercises, sleep at the right average and eat various food.I am the one who is in the group of those people.I think it is time to change myself.
I want to be healthy and happy.I need to consider what I really desire the most in my life and keep myself in that track.After I thoroughly think about it,I decide to choose the two things.I will carefully take care of myself.Time and money is not influential to me at all as I will control it.Moreover,I will not be stressful and think too much since I do not want an unwanted guest,a cancer,coming to visit me.I intend to do whatever good for me such as working out,sleeping enough,eating healthy food, watching TV,travelling,reading novels,feeding my pets,plant vegetables, cleaning my house,going to market,cooking at home and spending my time with my family.The most important thing is adjusting some bad behaviors in order to have a peaceful mind. Working and relaxing should be balanced like a scale.If not,it means that I do not know how to live in this world.While I am not happy,I can not work and live well.So I will try to balance in my life and make it perfect.
1 ความคิดเห็น:
To teacher pew
Are you remember me A’Pew ?
My name is Phichaporn.You call me Gift.
I entrance in the Thammasat University.My faculty is Science Program in Biotechnology.This program study about microbe and applied to use life benefit.The first thing I will say with you about your willpower make me successful for entrance.If I don’t have your willpower and anypeople for give it, I will don’t have today.
Thank you A’Pew for everything on you taught me use my life.
A’Pew is the best English teacher for me and I love you so much.
You help me talk with M.6/1 about entrance to the University.If M.6/1 want to know about this entrance 53 or quota,you talk them see it in my Hi5 I will write it in my Hi5.My Hi5 is giftfyNTIDcu.hi5.com.I think them should see my Hi5 because the news from school is slow. They always should open internet for check quota from Universisty.You will treat your health . A’Pew see you later.Bye Bye. Jub Jub.