I was afraid of the emu because of its giantic body before I had visited Australia.When I think about a bird,I imagine the lovely small figure flying in the sky and singing beautifully in the bushes or trees.On the other hand,the emu is huge and tall.It is the world's third largest bird.The Ostrich and the Cassowary take the top positions.This Australia's tallest native bird does not fly or sing.Its legs are long and powerful.It is very frightening for me.I watched many video clips and found that emus attacked poor tourists.Consequently,I never trusted any emu standing beside me in Lone Pine Koala Sanctuary.However,I had new ideas about the emus after I had observed their lives and took a very close look at them.My points of view completely changed ever since I looked into their eyes and stroked their shaggy grey-brown feathers softly.They are interesting animals.I love them.I cannot help laughing whenever I see their long necks,big beaks and curious eyes.I researched more information about the emus.I cannot believe that I am not afraid of this kind of bird any more.Visiting the Sanctuary is invaluable to me.
วันอังคารที่ 28 เมษายน พ.ศ. 2552
Emu:the large bird in Australia
I was afraid of the emu because of its giantic body before I had visited Australia.When I think about a bird,I imagine the lovely small figure flying in the sky and singing beautifully in the bushes or trees.On the other hand,the emu is huge and tall.It is the world's third largest bird.The Ostrich and the Cassowary take the top positions.This Australia's tallest native bird does not fly or sing.Its legs are long and powerful.It is very frightening for me.I watched many video clips and found that emus attacked poor tourists.Consequently,I never trusted any emu standing beside me in Lone Pine Koala Sanctuary.However,I had new ideas about the emus after I had observed their lives and took a very close look at them.My points of view completely changed ever since I looked into their eyes and stroked their shaggy grey-brown feathers softly.They are interesting animals.I love them.I cannot help laughing whenever I see their long necks,big beaks and curious eyes.I researched more information about the emus.I cannot believe that I am not afraid of this kind of bird any more.Visiting the Sanctuary is invaluable to me.
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1 ความคิดเห็น:
I just heard that one of emus at Lone Pine kicked a poor tourist!!!.
You were so brave to take a photo very close it it.