Hi there. I'm kru Prathuangsook. Welcome to my blog. I create this blog to share and exchange ideas and experiences about English with all of you. I hope you will be inspired by fun stuffs here.
Have fun!!!
Teacher Pew
Have fun!!!
Teacher Pew
P.s. Let's post a message to introduce yourself in English. Can't wait!
34 ความคิดเห็น:
I'm Pangram I think I'm the first comment that right?. Ok. I must to go now because I'm very hangry 555+. see you tomorrow bye teacher.
Hi Pangram. Yes, you are the first. Hooray!!!! What does HANGRY mean? Oh...well, please tell me more about yourself.
Teacher Prathuangsook
umm, teacher I think that, I'm music lover because I like singing and listening so much but my ambition is an archeologist. I'm confused umm, please tell me about my problem. Thank you teacher.
Please go to my blog . Thank you teacher.
Dear Pangram,
You are the only one who is so active. I love the way you do so much. I learn more about you now. I am sometimes confused on what I am going to do;however,I will never be confused on what I am going to be.I am sure that you can make your decision soon.Tell me about it then.Bye my lovely student.
Kru Prathuangsook
I want the first comment but I'm late 555+
Teacher Where are you?
Teacher sleep yet ?
I use Ehglish not well.
Oh!!! I don't know I make sentence
right or wrong !!!
Some student worry when study
your subject.
For me 555+ Sometime.
Good night
Dear Tananthon,
Don't worry about using English. The most important thing is communication. And you did a very good job. Keep going. Just have fun!. You know, I always have fun when I go to your class (^ - ^).
Dear theacher
My name is Surawee. Sorry I comment to your blog leat becauses I forget it.But today you don't told me I think I will going to comment your blog.Ok theacher today I think I should stop typing before I will confuse this tence.
Thank you theacher
!!!!Oh I don't tell my friend becauses I don't met my friend.......But tomorrow I will tell them
from Surawee.......
Hello.teacher pew I don't know what I written ฮุฮุฮุ . Oh I'm wirasinee M.6/6 bye bye teachar. Jup Jup
Hello, teacher Pew
this is Namwan (Somrutai) well, im the first one of my class ^^ oh i've done with the amish thing already. im so glad that i take ur class. umm... i g2g now. Thank you for being my lovely teacher ^/\^
Have a sweet dream. Bye.
Dear , Teacher
I'm Kridsada Manium. I think I'm a friest preson from M.6/3 5 5 5. see u tomorrow bye bye
Kridsada Maniem
Dear Teacher,
I'm very happy because in last period I sang on the stage with Jack 6/1. I'm very embrass before. But when I started I'm so so 555+. I think that it very good job and very sweetly. Ok teacher I will go bye-bye teacher.
Dear, teacher
I'm Jack. Do you remember me?
Today, I would like to tell you my activity.
After 8 period all of students have to up stair to meeting hall right,A'Banjoob told me and Pangram that today can you sing a song and play music for everyone, can't you? me and Pang have a big laugh and told him that it is fantastic because we love to sing so much. today pangram sang "Jai nak lang" and me sang"Mai tong roo wa rao kob kan bab nhai"if you don't know the name both of song, tomorrow I will tell you ok.55+ Nevertheless today we are happy so much. Last avail my self of this chance thank you to A' Banjoob and musician who made a wonderful time. Thank you so much^^
Hello,My teacher.
What do you do now?
I don't know,I writing wrong or right but I will to try.
I never seen,Where teacher take like this because Who don't have use to computer with english subject like this.
OK,Good bye.see you again next time.
P.S. I love english subject
HI!! Teacher Pew This is Chutikarn Chotising or Ong the one who have curly hair. I went to America but I still think that my English is just OK. I knew it improve a little bit but not that much. I have a lot of homework to do and stressful with my future. I want to be a pharmacist and I hope my dream will come true soon.
P.S. It's a really good idea for student to do like this. Have a great day. JUB JUB
To Teacher
I'm Worrapiput M.6/3 Do u remember me? I like say YEAHHHHHHHHHH it room 5 5 5+ . bye teacher see you on monday
P.s. I borrow Blogger From Kridsada
To teacher Pew
Sorry for my late teacher,I forgot about this.Oh I forgot to tell you that my name's Tanachit 6/1.I want to tell u something that we want u to teach us about grammar structure because we want to have a good point for admission.Finally I'm so sorry for my bad grammar Ok see ya...
Sincerely yours
Hello,teacher Pew
I'm Orawan M.6/1. I'm sorry, I,m comment to your blog leat.
I like blog your because a picture is beautiful.
Do you have a dinner? umm...but you have to eat. 555+
Good bye teacher. to night a sweet dreem.
See you on monday.^^
Dear, teacher
well,this is the second article to you.sorry i don't know how to use the word replace an article.Can i use "article" can't you? Today i would rather to tell you about my future.When i was young i want to be a flight attendent because i often visited my mom and granmother,who have been living in Chaing Rai by plane and i thought this job is very fantastic right? but other people think this job is the same waiter or waitress in the restaurant something like that.but i don't think it.
I think this job like a door of the world seeing that you have to meet a lot of people and look after them with love.ok i have to go now.
see you on monday. bye bye my love teacher.
Dear, teacher Pew
I'm Phichaporn in m.6/1.I'm sorry for comment your blog.I'm late.
I like your blog.It so beautiful.
Now I'm sleepy so much.Good night
ka.Bye bye.
I'm Nutcha M.6/1. I'm sorry,
I,m comment to your blog leat.
Teacher has looked for conversation to meet?
I'sorry , if , write wrong in many a sentence because I not excellent English.
Good night teacher , have a good dream
(`'•.¸(`'•.¸ ¸.•'´) ¸.•'´)¸.•'´)
«`'•. ♥ Good night .. ♥ .•'´»(¸.•` * (¸.•` *
(¸.•'´(¸.•'´ `'•.¸)`' •.¸)(",)
Dear, teacher
I'm Tunchanok Chuenarrom M.6/1.
This is the first time me come out your blog.
Teacher,now I'm feeling sleepiest so I excuse go to take a bath and then I will go to bed.
Good night, teacher
Tunchanok Chuenarrom
I am pornpun sukcharan m.6/3 no.20
I want to about language.
I want to know talk and think easy.
Dear Teacher,
I'm Donlaporn M.6/1 I'm sorry, I'm late.I must go now because I have a lot of my homework. I couldn't have done it.Have a great day
I wish easy examination in english
subject. 5555+
I want to go now !!!
I prepare for test next week.
But when I reading textbook
I'm sleepy - -zzzz
I will attemp.
p.s. thank you for praise.
GooD B y E
My name is Krid Rattanodom M.6/3 NO 4.I like for your teaching in my classroom i think that funny and joke sometime my friend say yeah!!! everybody is very happy. in future i want to be a computer programmer but i not good in english because i finish the university i was going to USA.i want to work and study in california but i anxious with the language.in the university my father want to english programm for me.i can study in english programm,can't i.sothat i want to good in english.
goodnight teacher,thank you for advice in my classroom.
see you agin on monday,Bye!!!
Dear, My love teacher.
I'm jack. today i have someting to tell you about midterm-test. i'm not already to do it! 55+because i don't understand some subject, for example; Math, physic, and chemistry all of them is very difficult for me and i think my friends too. On the other hand i'm so happiest that i started study English with you, you can make all student love English.This is a first time to practice about writing English this blog very fantastic i love you so much teacher. tonight have a sweet dream.
Last....A'Pew so nice 555+
Hello Teacher Pew ^O^.
I'm Orathai or nickname NaTT 6/5.
Now I have a lot of homework. I'm bored so much. Whatever I have to send homework to my teacher.
finally i hope your health will be very well.
I Love Teacher PEW forever. eiei^^
Dear,A' Pew
where are you? ^^
I always check this blog everyday and hope to see your comment,but i didn't. Nevermind I think you are so busy don't forget take care your self. Our love teacher
Bye bye.......
see you tomorrow
I have one more thing to tell you. I have blog like you,if you are free please visit to my blog ok. eiei
Dear all,
I'm VERY happy to read all the messages because I can know from them that all of you are happy to learn English with me and like my blog (hooray!!!). However, I found that some of you forgot to introduce yourselves. Besides telling me your names, it will be wonderful if you give me more about your personal information. Whatever, You still make me happy anyway.
Keep going on. I'm sure that eventually, your writing will be better and better.
Kru Prathuangsook
Hello!!Teacher Pew
I'm Nam in m.6/1
I have goodfeels with you. My teacher you have trick in class.cause I have fun verymuch I think since I learn for 6 years you goodteach.I love you verymuch. Thank you.
Hello,teacher Pew
I'm Poorin m.6/6.Teacher like pet??.For me don't like pet because ??? I don't know - -' her her.
Good night!!
I'm Chonrada 6/5
In 6/5 have two Chonrada but I'm Chonrada Amornratanabongkot
Good afternoon teacher. Where are you.How are you. I'm very serious exam tomorrow.English hard? and Math very hard.
Who reading this comment.I don't well english.I'm sorry