Dear Students,
I love songs. I listen to them every day,especially inspiration songs. They make me strong.Let's see what they are. ( you can listen to them by seaching through YouTube website.)Then, tell me about your songs. I can't wait..... (I am learning how to link Youtube website ,so I am sorry I can't do that for you now.) Maybe later.
One Moment in Time
Teacher Pew
วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 25 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2551
วันเสาร์ที่ 20 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2551
Save Energy : Save the Earth

Dear Students,
I have some websites informing how to save energy,and I would like you to study their quotes in order to get some ideas and adapt those ways into your daily life.Don't forget to post other different quotes,expressions,phrases,or sentences if you find they are useful to others.
10 Ways to Save Energy and Money
20 Things You Can Do to Conserve Energy
Energy Saving Tips
Saving Energy: 101 Ways to Save
Kru Pew
วันพุธที่ 1 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2551
Reading&Thinking Skill Exercise 4
Dear Students,
I am sorry I did not post Reading&Thinking Skill Exercise 4 yesterday. I went to a party and I came home around 11.00 p.m. The party was fun;however,it made me sick.That was the reason why I did not do so.Now, here I am. Let do your exercise.
Choose the best ending for each paragraph.1.
1. Some people enjoy the winter. They like winter sports such as skiing and skating. They enjoy ice and
a. weather. b. snow. c. sun. d. rain.
2.Jazz started in the United States around 1900. Now there are jazz musicians around the world. But the most famous jazz musicians are
a. English. b. dead. c. European. d. American.
3.In very hot countries, the sun can hurt your eyes. It is a good idea to wear a hat when you are outside. You should also wear
a. shoes. b. sunglasses. c. a swimsuit. d. gloves.
4.Last week Mr. Thomas rented a new apartment. He does not have a table, Chairs, or any other furniture yet. The apartment look
a. comfortable. b. full. c. empty. d. crowded.
5.On special days, the whole family has dinner at our house. Everyone came last week for my father’s
a. parents. b. family. c. house. d. birthday
Good luck.
LOve, Teacher Pew
Resource :Mikulecky B. s. and Jefferies L. 1998. Reading Power. New York, Addison Wesley Longman, Inc.
P.S. If you want to study more about these kinds of exercises, you can find this book at Cu book centre.
วันจันทร์ที่ 29 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2551
Reading&Thinking Skill Exercise 3
Dear students,
I know that all of you study so hard that some can not do the exercise. Common guys... try to spare your time. It take only 10 minutes per exercise.You can make it. Here is Reading&Thinking Skill Exercise 3.
Choose the best ending for each paragraph.
1.Sometimes children get sick because of problems at home. Then doctors like to meet with the children’s
a. friends. b. parents. c. teachers. d. patients.
2.Dentists think that eating candy is bad for the teeth. If children eat candy, they will probably have tooth trouble
a. before. b. in the past. c. someday. d. in the morning.
3.Some birds fly many miles every year. In the fall they leave their homes in the north and fly south to warmer places. In the spring, they leave their winter homes and go back
a. north. b. south. c. around. d. away.
4.Many farmers in Florida grow oranges. They also grow lemons, limes, and grapefruit. Florida is famous for its
a. apples. b. vegetables. c. weather. d. fruit.
5.Some people prefer warm climates. They do not like cold weather or snow. They enjoy the heat and feel happy in the
a. climate. b. snow. c. sun. d. night.
After you finish your task,go to the last exercise to see my comment and discuss it with your friends.
Teacher Pew
Resource : Mikulecky B. s. and Jefferies L. 1998. Reading Power. New York, Addison Wesley Longman, Inc.
วันอาทิตย์ที่ 28 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2551
Reading&Thinking Skill Exercise 2

Dear students,
This is the Reading&Thinking Skill Exercise 2.I hope you can do it easily.Any way,tell me what you think of the Reading&Thinking Skill Exercise 1.
Choose the best ending for each paragraph.
1. New York is one of the biggest cities in the world. It has about 7 million people. But Tokyo is larger. It has more than
a. a million people. b. thousands of people.
c. as many people. d. 8 million people.
2.In cold climates, plants grow quickly in the spring and summer. This is partly because the weather is warmer. It is also because the days are longer and plants get more
a. air b. sunlight.
c. water. d. leaves.
3.Some plants grow in very dry places. These desert plants can live for a long time with no
a. flowers. b. sun.
c. food. d. water.
4.People used to wake up when it was light. They went to bed when it was dark. The sun was their
a. star. b. time.
c. clock. d. bed.
5.What is your favorite color? If it is red, you may be a lively kind of person. If you like blue, you may be a person who likes peace and quiet. Your favorite color tells something about
a. colors. b. life.
c. you. d. peace.
Resourse:Breatrice S. Mikulecky/Linda Jeffries.1998.Reading Power second Edition.Addison Wesley Longman.
Love always,
Teacher Pew
P.S. I am getting well. Thank you for caring.
วันเสาร์ที่ 27 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2551
Reading&Thinking Skill Exercises

Dear students,
I am so glad you finished your tough final examination. I hope all of you succeed in your exam. I have something new for you. They are Reading&Thinking Skill Exercises ,so you can improve both English reading and thinking skill. I think you will love and enjoy doing them every day.There are 5 items a day. You do them and summit the answer. Then I will explain and answer questions you ask the next day.
Here is the Reading&Thinking Skill Exercise 1
Choose the best ending for each paragraph.
1.It used to take months to cross the Atlantic Ocean in a ship. But now a plane can cross the Atlantic in
a. a few month. b. a long time. c. a few hours. d. more time.
2.The easiest way to travel is to walk. You don’t need anything special. All you need is
a. two feet. b. to hurry. c. a car. d. gasoline.
3.Cars are a problem in big cities. There are too many cars in the streets. Most city streets are noisy and
a. safe. b. large. c. parking. d. crowded.
4.Alexander Graham Bell made the first telephone in 1876 in the United States. Now the telephone is international. You can use it to talk to someone anywhere
a. in the city. b. in the world. c. in history. d. on time.
5.Henry went to the doctor because he could not see well. The doctor told him he should get a new pair of
a. shoes. b. pants. c. gloves. d. glasses.
Resourse:Breatrice S. Mikulecky/Linda Jeffries.1998.Reading Power second Edition.Addison Wesley Longman.
Good luck na ja. Jub Jubbb
Teacher Pew ^ 0 ^
วันเสาร์ที่ 16 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2551
วันอาทิตย์ที่ 13 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2551
What I can't live without.
Picture: Dog Condo
Hello my dear students,
Thank you very much for the last week messages that let we know one another more.
This week, I come up with the topic " What I can't live without". I'm an animal lover. As I can rememer, I've had dogs with me since I was born. Dogs are good friends and always make me happy. Once I moved to Sakaew province where I had no family and relatives. It was quite difficult at the first time, but I could get through that difficulty because of Wisky, my true doggy friend who was always with me. I moved back to Bangkok nine years ago. I got three new dogs named Chaw Chaw, Nong Po and Koala. After working hard entire day, I get home with a ton of happiness when I see them. They wait for me as if I leaved home for a year! It is such a wonderful feeling to know there is someone waiting for you, isn't it? So I can say that I can't live without these lovely creatures.
How about you guys? Tell me. I really want to know what you can't live without.
Teacher Pew
วันอังคารที่ 8 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2551
Greeting from kru Prathuangsook
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