I am a kind of animal lover, so pictures and videos of them are what I cannot miss whenever I surf websites . I found a picture of a couple with a lovely squirrel in the National Geographic Photo Gallery. I researched more details in order to know what happened in the scene. Then, I learned that Melissa Brandts and her husband were posting to take a snapshot by using a self timer at Lake Minnewanka in Banff National Park, Canada. Unexpectedly, a squirrel appeared in front of their camera and its focus was on the uninvited guest. Both of them couldn’t stand laughing and this picture became very popular.It appears all over the websites.

Picture Resources:
1. Ford Cochran. http://blogs.nationalgeographic.com/blogs/blogwild/2009/08/rogue-rodent-ready-for-my-clos.html
2. http://blog.creativeasylum.com/?p=660
3. http://www.mylifetime.com/lifestyle/gigglerific/blog
4. http://www.benm.at/2009/09/11/appstore-squirrelizer/
5. http://www.dailytelegraph.com.au/news/wacky/crasher-the-squirrel-changes- history/story-e6frev20-1225762824721
7. http://www.benedictionblogson.com/2009/08/15/crasher-squirrel/
8. http://bawaal.com/blog/1880-the-world-famous-crasher-squirrel-banff-national-park-photobomber-squirrel
6. http://www.lusterstudios.com/wedding-crasher-squirrel-banff-canada/