Dear students,
I know that all of you study so hard that some can not do the exercise. Common guys... try to spare your time. It take only 10 minutes per exercise.You can make it. Here is Reading&Thinking Skill Exercise 3.
Choose the best ending for each paragraph.
1.Sometimes children get sick because of problems at home. Then doctors like to meet with the children’s
a. friends. b. parents. c. teachers. d. patients.
2.Dentists think that eating candy is bad for the teeth. If children eat candy, they will probably have tooth trouble
a. before. b. in the past. c. someday. d. in the morning.
3.Some birds fly many miles every year. In the fall they leave their homes in the north and fly south to warmer places. In the spring, they leave their winter homes and go back
a. north. b. south. c. around. d. away.
4.Many farmers in Florida grow oranges. They also grow lemons, limes, and grapefruit. Florida is famous for its
a. apples. b. vegetables. c. weather. d. fruit.
5.Some people prefer warm climates. They do not like cold weather or snow. They enjoy the heat and feel happy in the
a. climate. b. snow. c. sun. d. night.
After you finish your task,go to the last exercise to see my comment and discuss it with your friends.
Teacher Pew
Resource : Mikulecky B. s. and Jefferies L. 1998. Reading Power. New York, Addison Wesley Longman, Inc.